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Lirik lagu dan chord gitar 'Wish You Were Here' - Pink Floyd (Youtube/chartrand)

Lirik Lagu dan Chord Gitar 'Wish You Were Here' - Pink Floyd

Sienty Ayu Monica - Minggu, 29 Desember 2019 | 15:15 WIB

Sonora.ID - Lagu 'Wish You Were Here' merupakan lagu yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Pink Floyd.

Lagu ini diketahui dirilis pada 15 September 1975 lalu. Bahkan, lagu ini juga menjadi lagu terbaik sepanjang masa.

Lagu yang liriknya mempresentasikan banyak hal ini diciptakan oleh David Gilmour dan Roger Waters.

Group band Pink Floyd sendiri didirikan pada tahun 1965 dengan personel awal Syd Barret, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, dan Richard Wright.

Berikut adalah lirik lagu dan chord gitar lagu 'Wish You Were Here' yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Pink Floyd:


Em7  G  Em7  G  Em7  A7sus4  Em7  A7sus4  G       x2


[Verse 1]

C                         D/F#

So, so you think you can tell,

             Am/E                   G

Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.

                     D/F#                      C                    Am

Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail, a smile from a veil,


Do you think you can tell?

[Verse 2]

                      C                   D/F#

Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts,

                Am/E                  G                             D/F#

Hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze, cold comfort for change,

                  C                        Am                         G

And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?


Em7  G  Em7  G  Em7  A7sus4  Em7  A7sus4  G

[Verse 3]

C                               D/F#

How I wish, how I wish you were here.

           Am/E                                    G                D/F#

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,


Running over the same old ground. What have we found?

             Am                         G

The same old fears. Wish you were here!


Em7  G  Em7  G  Em7  A7sus4  Em7  A7sus4  G       x2

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