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Lirik lagu 'Santeria' - Sublime ()

Lirik Lagu 'Santeria' yang Dipopulerkan oleh Grup Band Sublime

Sienty Ayu Monica - Minggu, 23 Agustus 2020 | 20:15 WIB

Sonora.ID – Industri musik dunia turut dimeriahkan lewat kehadiran band Sublime. Berjaya di era 90-an, penikmat musik pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan sederet hits milik Sublime.

Berikut ini lirik lagu 'Santeria' yang dipopulerkan oleh grup band Sublime dan dirilis pada tahun 1996 silam.

Hingga saat ini, video klip lagu 'Santeria' sudah berhasil mendapatkan sebanyak 75 juta penonton dengan 352 ribu likes di YouTube.

Sublime sendiri telah menyuguhkan sederet karya yang tentunya mendapat banyak respon positif dari pendengar. 

Lagu ini sering dinyanyikan dalam acara-acara live music.



I don't practice Santeria

I ain't got no crystal ball

Well, I had a million dollars but I, I'd spend it all.

If I could find that Heina, and that Sancho that she's found.

Well, I'd pop a cap in Sancho and I'd slap her down.


What I really wanna know, mah baby, mmmm...

What I really wanna say I can't define.

Well, it's love, that I need. Oh...


My soul will have to wait till I get back, to find a Heina of my own.

Daddy's gonna love one and all.

I feel the break, feel the break, feel the break and I gotta live it up.

Oh, yeah, uh huh.

Well, I swear that I.


What I really wanna know, ah baby.

What I really wanna say I can't define, got love make it go.

My soul will have to...


[Instrumental break]


What I really wanna say, mah baby.

What I really wanna say is I've got mine, and I'll make it, oh yes I'm coming up.


Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him he best go run and hide.

Daddy's got a new Forty-Five.

And I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat.

Believe me when I say that I got somethin' for his punk ass.


What I really wanna know, mah baby.

Oh, what I really wanna say is there's just one, way back, and I'll make it, yeah.

My soul will have to wait, yeah, yeah, yeah.