Lirik Lagu 'Goodbye' Milik Claudia Emmanuela Santoso, Juara The Voice of Germany 2019

11 November 2019 15:46 WIB
Claudia Emmanuela Santoso
Claudia Emmanuela Santoso ( Instagram @audi_emmanuela)


[Verse 1]
You were always in my life
Always making me stronger
Told me fear was in their mind
When they felt there was danger

Do you know that it hurts so much?
When I think about the things we used to do
Do you know that it hurts so much?
That almost 1000 miles from you, from you
So I want you to know

I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

[Verse 2]
Used to hold me in your arms
Like a child and his mother
I look back at it all
You loved me like no other

Do you know that it hurts so much?
When I think about the things we used to do
Do you know that it hurts my heart?
That I'm a 1000 miles from you, from you

Oh, I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

Nobody, nobody knows that
Nobody, nobody, nobody knows...

I miss you
Did I ever tell you?
That I need you
Did I ever tell you?
That I can't let you go
How did I say goodbye?
How did I say goodbye?

Baca Juga: Lirik dan Chord Gitar Sederhana 'Kekasih Bayangan' Oleh Cakra Khan

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