16 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Struktur

28 November 2022 12:30 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris ( unsplash.com)


  • Aulia has been teaching Math in the Grade 4.1
  • Math has been being taught by Aulia in the Grade 4.1

5. Simple Past Tense

Active Voice: S + Verb 2 + O

Passive Voice: O + Was/Were + Verb 3 + S


  • She recorded Korean Conversation Level 1 last day
  • Korean Conversation Level 1 was recorded by her

6. Past Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + Was/Were + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Was/Were Being + Verb 3 + S


  • My mother was cleaning our kitchen yesterday.
  • Our kitches was being washed by my mother yesterday.

Baca Juga: Perbedaan Will dan Shall Lengkap dengan Beberapa Contoh Penggunaanya

7. Past Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + Had + Verb 3 + O

Passive Voice: O + Had Been + Verb 3 + S


  • We had driven our car.
  • Our car had been driven by us.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + Had + Been + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Had Been Being + Verb 3 + S


  • We had been bringing foods.
  • Foods had been being brought by us.

9. Simple Future Tense

Active Voice: S + Will + Verb 1 + O

Passive Voice: O + Will be + Verb 3 + S


  • I will buy the book tomorrow.
  • The book will be bought by me.

10. Future Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + Will be + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Will be going + Verb 3 + S


  • Everyone will be telling the truth.
  • The truth will be being told by everyone.

11. Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + Will + Have + Verb 3 + O

Passive Voice: O + Will Have Been + Verb 3 + S


  • We will have painted the wall.
  • The wall will have been painted by us.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + Will Have + Been + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Will Have Been Being + Verb 3 + S


  • They will have been staying until next week.
  • Their problems will have been being solved by them.

13. Simpe Past Future

Active Voice: S + Would + Verb 1 + O

Passive Voice: O + Would Be + Verb 3 + S


  • Mother would call us tonight.
  • We would be called by our mother.

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Baca Juga: 100 Nama-nama Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap! Semua Warna Ada

Active Voice: S + Would Be + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Would Be Being + Verb 3 + S


  • He would be remembering the lesson.
  • The lesson would be being remembered by him.

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice: S + Would Have + Verb 3 + O

Passive Voice: O + Would Have Been + Verb 3 + S


  • You would have opened the door.
  • The door would have been opened by you.

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Active Voice: S + Would Have Been + V-ing + O

Passive Voice: O + Would Have Been Being + Verb 3 + S


  • Hendery would have been buying new clothes.
  • New clothes would have been being bought by Hendery.

Itulah ulasan lengkap terkait 16 Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris yang sudah lengkap dengan strukturnya.

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