Ini Cara Menulis Personal Statement LPDP dan Contoh, Lengkap!

27 Januari 2023 11:00 WIB
Ilustrasi Cara Menulis Personal Statement LPDP dan Contoh
Ilustrasi Cara Menulis Personal Statement LPDP dan Contoh (

Setelah saya lulus, pembimbing tesis saya meminta saya untuk bekerja dengannya di Bisnis Indonesia, harian ekonomi pertama dan terpercaya di negeri ini. Di divisi saya, saya melakukan riset tentang industri keuangan dan produknya. Terkadang, orang bingung harus menginvestasikan uangnya ke mana. Di Indonesia terdapat 122 bank, 409 perusahaan di pasar modal, 300 produk unit link dan lebih dari 950 produk reksa dana. Tugas saya adalah menemukan di antara mereka, mana yang terbaik, bank mana yang beroperasi paling efisien, produk keuangan mana yang memberikan pengembalian tertinggi, konsisten, berkinerja baik, dan perusahaan terdaftar mana yang memiliki aspek fundamental dan teknis yang baik. Dengan pendirian saya, ini dapat membantu investor….

Bahasa Inggris

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt As a member of my generation, it is my responsibility to become active in changing the world for the better. Enrolling, and excelling, in many extra-curricular programs has enhanced my ability to engage in an active role in improving the school as well as the community. Becoming active in reaching out and providing aid for those who seek it has reinforced my inspiration to take time out of my life to benefit others. Selecting advanced subjects has successfully challenged my work-ethic and time management skills. Academics are my highest priority, but I maintain a well-balanced lifestyle by pursuing the pleasures in life: spending time with friends and family, working hard at my job and gaining a dependable income, and exercising by playing in a recreational basketball league. I am so grateful for the opportunities that have been given to me, and I do not regret the choices I have made in my life through those opportunities. I have lived a very unique and special life, learning a vast number of lessons along the way. In my life, I have traveled abroad, exposing me to new cultures and have adapted in a way that was accepted by those cultures. I have traveled to a different state with my father to attend a program that taught me the importance of enthusiasm and positive reinforcement. Due to the opportunities given to me, and the lessons I have learned throughout my life, I am confident in ….

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Baca Juga: Daftar Universitas dalam Negeri untuk Beasiswa LPDP, Ini Daftarnya!

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