15 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan Lengkap dengan Artinya

Diperbaharui 15 Mei 2023 19:38 WIB
Contoh report text singkat tentang hewan.
Contoh report text singkat tentang hewan. ( Freepik)

Birds are interesting flying creature found in the earth. They are considered as vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They include eaves class which can be found all over the world, and so can in Indonesia. Birds breathe by using their air bags. As the addition organs of respiration, air bags can also increase or decrease their weight when flying or swimming.

There are many kinds of bird in the world. Birds have special characteristics and have different morphologies according to their food and their habitat. Most of them eat seeds, pollen, worm, fish, and meat. There are several species that live on land and the other lives in the water. Land birds stay in their nests. All female birds have specific tasks to lay their eggs and to feed their babies, and they forage for their baby.


Burung makhluk terbang menarik yang ditemukan di bumi. Mereka digolongkan sebagai vertebrata dan hewan berdarah panas. Mereka termasuk hewan kelas atas yang dapat ditemukan di seluruh dunia, begitujuga di Indonesia. Burung bernapas dengan menggunakan kantong udara mereka. Sebagai organ tambahan pada sistem respirasi, kantong udara juga dapat meningkatkan atau menurunkan berat badan mereka ketika terbang atau berenang.

Ada banyak jenis burung di dunia. Burung memiliki karakteristik khusus dan memiliki bentuk tubuh yang berbeda sesuai dengan makanan mereka dan habitatnya. Sebagian besar dari mereka makan biji, serbuk sari, cacing, ikan, dan daging. Ada beberapa spesies yang hidup di darat dan lainnya hidup di dalam air. Burung darat tinggal di sarang mereka. Semua burung betina memiliki tugas khusus untuk bertelur dan memberi makan bayi mereka, dan mereka mencari makanan untuk bayi mereka.

Baca Juga: 6 Contoh Factual Report Text Lengkap dengan Arti dan Pembahasannya

Contoh 4


The platypus sometimes referred to as the duck-billed platypus, is a semiaquatic, egg-laying mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania.

Sometimes known as a duck-billed platypus, this curious mammal combines the characteristics of many different species in one. The platypus is a duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed, egg-laying aquatic creature native to Australia.

Platypus are found in eastern Australia from the steamy tropics of far north Queensland to the freezing snows of Tasmania. In Queensland, platypus live in rivers east of the Great Dividing Range, and are also found in some western-flowing streams.


Platipus kadang-kadang disebut sebagai platipus berparuh bebek, adalah mamalia bertelur semiakuatik yang endemik di Australia timur, termasuk Tasmania.

Kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai platipus berparuh bebek, mamalia yang penasaran ini menggabungkan karakteristik banyak spesies yang berbeda menjadi satu. Platipus adalah makhluk air bertelur paruh bebek, berekor berang-berang, berkaki berang-berang, asli Australia.

Platipus ditemukan di Australia timur dari daerah tropis yang beruap di ujung utara Queensland hingga salju yang membekukan di Tasmania. Di Queensland, platipus hidup di sungai sebelah timur Great Dividing Range, dan juga ditemukan di beberapa sungai yang mengalir ke barat.

Contoh 5


An elephant is the largest and strongest animals which live in land. It is a strange looking animal which has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little pair of eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose called the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo because it is hard to find them in their natural habitat.

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature and it has various usages. The elephant’s trunk can also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In other word, their trunks serve the elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy but an elephant can move very quickly.

The elephant is considered to be an intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength make an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carrying heavy loads, hunting for tigers and even fighting.


Gajah adalah hewan yang terbesar dan terkuat yang hidup di darat. Hewan ini adalah hewan yang tampak aneh yang memiliki kaki tebal, bagian tubuh dan punggung yang besar, telinga menggantung besar, ekor kecil, sepasang mata kecil, gading putih panjang dan lebih dari semua itu, gajah memiliki hidung panjang yang disebut belalai. Seekor gajah umumnya dapat ditemui di kebun binatang karena sulit untuk menemukan mereka di habitat alami mereka.

Belalai adalah fitur khas gajah dan memiliki berbagai penggunaan. Belalai gajah juga dapat mengangkat daun dan menempatkan mereka ke dalam mulutnya. Dengan kata lain, belalai mereka berperan sebagai lengan panjang dan tangan. Gajah terlihat sangat canggung dan berat tapi gajah dapat bergerak sangat cepat.

Gajah dianggap binatang yang cerdas. Intelijensi yang dikombinasikan dengan kekuatan yang besar membuat gajah menjadi pembantu yang sangat berguna bagi manusia. Gajah dapat dilatih untuk melayani dalam berbagai cara seperti membawa beban berat, berburu harimau dan bahkan berkelahi.

Contoh 6


Chicken is the most popular domesticated fowl in the world with a total population of more than 19 billion in 2011. Even if some people keep it at home as a pet, but generally it is considered to be livestock because most people keep it as a source of food for its meat and eggs. The ability of female chicken, usually called as “hen”, to lay egg every day, give them the title “bird that gives birth every day” since the mid-15th century BC. Chickens are omnivore. They consume almost anything, starting from worm, insect, seeds, rice to lizard and young mice. In their natural habitat, chickens can live up to ten years.

Chicken have several nickname that come from several places. The name “cocks” refer to the adult male chickens with age of more than one year. This nickname is used widely in the UK and Ireland. Meanwhile, the same chicken is called “roosters” in United States, Australia and Canada. Another nickname is used when we want to address to male chickens with age less than a year, and the nickname is “cockerels”. As the world develop, some parts of the world allow the implementation of surgical or chemical castration to the male chicken. A castrated roosters are called “capons”. As for the female chicken, there are two nickname for them, they are “hen” for the adult female chicken, and “pullets” for the young female chicken.

Chickens have two legs with four fingers on each of it. They also have two wings on each side of the body. All of their body is covered with plumage. Both adult male and female chicken have additional flesh on their head called a comb and also under their head called wattles. There are several difference between male and female chickens, some of them are: there are an additional part on each of rooster’s leg called as the spur (it is their weapon during a fight), rooster’s plumage usually looks shiny and has a brighter color, roosters usually have long tail.

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