30 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

6 September 2023 09:40 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1
Ilustrasi contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 ( freepik.com)

5. Who is the target age group for the cough syrup?

a) Adults aged 12 and above
b) Children aged 6 and above
c) Adults aged 18 and above
d) Children under 1

6.  What is the purpose of the cough syrup mentioned on the label?

a) To prevent cough
b) To treat bronchial infections
c) To temporarily relieve cough
d) To cure sore throat

7. Fauzan : What do you think we should give Fira as her birthday present?
Arif : A book, I think.
Fauzan : …
Arif : Yes, certainly. As far as I know, she likes book.

a) Are you sure?
b) I don’t think so
c) Are you kidding?
d) It’s impossible

8. Mother: What are you doing, dear?
Karina : I … fried rice for dinner, Mom.

a) Cook
b) Cooked
c) Am cooking
d) Had cooked

9. Fina : Is your car new?
Dora : Sorry, …
Fina : Do you have a new car?
Dora : No, I don’t.

a) What are you doing?
b) What did you say?
c) What does you say?.
d) Can you see with your eyes?

10. Nada : “Do you know where is Ruli?”
Bio : ”I heard he went to Bali. His uncle held a wedding party.
Nada : ”… He has promised to accompany me watching movie tomorrow.”

a) I agree with you
b) Congratulation
c) Thank you
d) I hope he will go home soon

Read This Conversation between Ratu and Bryan and choose the answer number 11-15 correctly

Ratu: Hey, I was thinking about organizing a beach cleanup event next weekend. What do you think?

Bryan: That sounds like a great idea! I’m totally on board with it. It’s important to take care of the environment.

Ratu: I’m glad you like the idea. We could use more volunteers. What do you think about asking the local community center for support?

Bryan: I agree. They might be willing to provide us with some cleaning supplies and maybe even help spread the word about the event.

11. What is Ratu suggesting?

a) Going to the movies
b) Organizing a beach cleanup event
c) Having a picnic
d) Playing video games

12. How does Bryan feel about the suggestion?

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