50 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dengan Jawabannya

18 September 2023 09:45 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1
Ilustrasi contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 ( freepik.com)

This following diaogue is for no. 23 and 24.

Mr. Adnan: Look! The doctor is coming.
Mrs. Adnan: Help me, doctor! My son is running out of breath. He was fine when we're on our way here.
Doctor: I'll do my best, ma'am. Please, stay outside and we'll take care of your son. You don't have to be worried too much.

23. The dialogue might take place at a/an...
a. Hematology unit
b. Emergency unit
c. Radiology unit
d. Pharmacy unit

According to the doctor, Mrs. Adnan must be...
a. Sorrowful
b. Worried
c. Happy
d. Calm

This dialogue is for no. 25 and 26.

Teacher : Attention, please! In this webinar meeting, I’d like to share some important information.
Sarah : Yes, Sir. We’re listening.
Teacher : During this COVID 19 pandemic, you are obliged to keep staying at home. You are not allowed to go to public area for unnecessary things. The teaching and learning will be conducted in online mode. That’s why, you don’t have to go school. Next, you need to eat healthy food and you have to do sport at home. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

25. The expression of a must is ….
a. You are not allowed to go to public area for unnecessary things.
b. The teaching and learning will be conducted in online mode.
c. You are obliged to keep staying at home.
d. You don’t have to go school.

26. Based on the dialogue, the students are prohibited to ….
a. Do exercise
b. Go to school
c. Eat healthy food
d. Study from home

The text is for no. 27 and 28.

These are some terms on the study from home of SMP Persada Semarang.
1. Students don’t have to go to school.
2. Generally, the teaching and learning is conducted in online system.
3. Students must join a virtual class for each subject.
4. Students are not allowed to miss any task on their class.
5. Students are also prohibited to skip online meeting which is held twice a week.
6. Students must confirm their class teacher if they have any troubles on their learning.
7. Parents need to support this online teaching and learning in such ways.

27. The text aims to … in the study from home.
a. Inform the dos
b. Inform the don’ts
c. Inform the dos and the don’ts
d. Inform the don’ts and the need

28. Things which are not allowed to do by the students are ….
a. Miss any task, go to school, and support the online class.
b. Go to school, skip the twice a week online meeting, and miss any task
c. Skip the twice a week online meeting, join virtual classes, and miss any task
d. Go to school, skip the twice a week online meeting, and confirm their learning troubles

The dialogue is for no. 29 and 30.

Ahsan : Hello, Hilmy. Your voice sounds terrible. Do you have any problem, buddy?
Hilmy : Yes, you are right. Have you submit the English assignment in our classroom?
Ahsan : I have. How about you?
Hilmy : Good to hear that, Ahsan. I’m in a mess now. I haven’t finished some tasks in many subjects.
Ahsan : Well, you had better manage your time from now on. Make your time line to finish them all. I’m ready anytime you need a help. But don’t forget, you should keep your health also. One more thing, you should be relax.
Hilmy : I will. Thanks, Ahsan

29. Ahsan suggests Hilmy by saying ….
a. Your voice sounds terrible.
b. Do you have any problem, buddy?
c. I’m ready anytime you need a help.
d. You had better manage your time from now on. Jawaban: D

30. "… you should be relax."

This expression shows that Hilmy doesn’t need to be ….
a. Angry
b. Sad
c. Panic
d. Sick

31. Ryan : Can you help me, Abe?
Abe : Sorry, ...

a. I'm happy you are busy
b. You're welcome
c. You look very busy
d. I'm busy myself

Jawaban : D

32. Lia : Can you help me to do my English homework?
Jordi : ... English is my favorite subject.
Lia : Thank you

a. With pleasure
b. Let's go
c. I'm sorry, I can't
d. I dislike English

33. Marlina : ... to Lina's birthday party?
Putri : Of course. I'll go there with Dika.
Marlina : Thanks a lot.

a. Don't you come
b. Will you come
c. May you come
d. Can you come

34. Andin: What shall we do to prevent the COVID 19 spread?
Amira: We have to have a healthy lifestyle and we … put on a mask anytime we go out.

a. Can
b. Will
c. May
d. Must

35. Candra : I’m happy we are in new normal now.
Hanif : Me too. Let’s keep our environment clean, wash hands using soap regularly, and do positive things.
Candra : You are right. But … forget to eat nutritious food too.

a. Do
b. Does
c. Don’t
d. Doesn’t

36. Choose the correct answer.

The company’s profits ___ significantly over the past year.

a.    has increased
b.    have increased
c.    has been increasing
d.    have been increasing

37. What tense is used in the following sentence?

They had been living in that house for ten years before they moved.

a.    Present tense
b.    Past tense
c.    Past continuous tense
d.    Past perfect continuous tense

38. What is the main idea?

"The benefits of reading include improving cognitive skills, enhancing knowledge, and promoting empathy."

a.    Reading is a waste of time.
b.    Reading is only for entertainment.
c.    Reading has no benefits.
d.    Reading has multiple positive impacts.

39. Choose the correct form of the verb “study” in the present perfect continuous tense.

She ___ (study) for three hours.

a.    is studying
b.    was studying
c.    has been studying
d.    had been studying

40. Choose the correct answer.

My grandmother is ___ knitting a sweater for me.

a.    very
b.    to
c.    quite
d.    so

Baca Juga: 50 Ucapan Wisuda Islami, Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, Lengkap

41. Choose the correct answer.

She ___ basketball every weekend.

a.    play
b.    plays
c.    playing
d.    played

42. What is the correct form of the verb “go” in the past tense?

She ___ to the store yesterday.

a.    go
b.    going
c.    goes
d.    went

43. What is the synonym of “happy”?

a.    sad
b.    excited
c.    angry
d.    joyful

44.  Choose the correct preposition.

The book is ___ the table.

a.    in
b.    on
c.    under
d.    behind

45. What is the opposite of “small”?

a.    big
b.    tiny
c.    little
d.    short

Fills the blank with the correct answer

46. She ___ to the library every Saturday morning.

47. My sister is very good ___ playing the piano.

48. My brother is ___ studying for his exams.

Changes the sentence to passive voice!

49. People speak English in many countries.

50. They are building a new stadium.

Kunci Jawaban

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Satisfaction dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. D
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. B
27. C
28. B
29. D
30. C
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. D
38. D
39. C
40. C
41. B
42. D
43. D
44. B
45. A
46. goes
47. at 
48. currently
49. English is spoken in many countries
50. A new stadium is being built by them

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