3 Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Topik Beragam!

Diperbaharui 17 Januari 2023 15:51 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh artikel Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi contoh artikel Bahasa Inggris ( unsplash.com)

Sonora.ID - Artikel ini akan membahas tentang contoh artikel Bahasa Inggris yang sudah lengkap dengan topik beragam dan bisa jadi referensi untuk tugas sekolah.

Dalam beberapa mata pelajaran bahasa, tugas membuat artikel sudah sangat lumrah diberikan oleh para guru yang mengajar.

Terkadang, siswa/i mengalami kebingunan karena tidak dapat menentukan topik serta mengkhawatirkan grammatical error yang mungkin terjadi ketika mengerjakan tugas tersebut.

Dengan memahami artikel Bahasa Inggris, kamu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menulis dan memperbaiki penggunaan grammar dalam sehari-hari.

Untuk itu, Anda bisa menyimak 3 contoh artikel Bahasa Inggris berikut ini yang sudah dilengkap dengan topik beragam!

1. Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Banjir

Baca Juga: 16 Contoh Kata Teknis, Lengkap Pengertian dan Penggunaannya!

The rainy season has finally stricken Indonesia and it apparently has a immense volume of rain.

It is actually normal that the flood appears during the rainy season since Indonesia environment is lacking for the green area.

The lacking of green area, therefore, causes the flood to emerge in some parts of city which makes the traffic to be jammed.

In order to overcome the flood, The Government should start to act and make any actions to resolve the issue that becomes normal to happen during rainy season.

Government could start to construct a massive moratorium and makes a clear regulations for AMDAL.

City planning should be also included as the main concern as the layout of it will affect the green area to absorb the water.

2. Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Kesehatan Mental

As the Indonesian citizens are not aware enough about the mental issue, the government should start to make a campaign about it.

Mental issue currently becomes a 'thing' in the society since some people nowadays get brave enough to speak upon their mental state.

However, the response coming from society sometimes just make the situation becomes worse than before due to the lacking of awareness towards mental issue of someone.

The lacking of mental issue awareness will eventually lead to the increase of death state due to suicide.

Consequently, the campaign about mental issue should be arose in the society to make the people to become more emphatic to the others struggling with mental issue.

Baca Juga: 6 Cara Bikin Suami Kapok Selingkuh dan Menyesali Perbuatannya!

3. Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang Teknologi

Ever since the technology has been sophisticated, the usage of this thing becomes more massive in society nowadays.

A lot of people said that sophisticated technology helps them to get easier in mobilizing during daily activities.

It is indeed that technology creates a new habits which is really useful for environment, however, it still gives a bad impact to the society.

Apparently, technology could make the people to forget with their present being as they ignore the others' presence which apart the friendship or relationship between two people.

Moreover, the usage of technology also makes the new ways of committing criminal things to emerge.

Therefore, people should learn how to be wise in using technology, so that it can bring a lot of benefit to our lives.

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