15 Contoh Soal SIMAK UI 2023 Bagian Kemampuan Dasar (KD) dan Jawaban

26 Juni 2023 16:44 WIB
Contoh soal SIMAK UI 2023 bagian Kemampuan Dasar (KD) dan jawabannya.
Contoh soal SIMAK UI 2023 bagian Kemampuan Dasar (KD) dan jawabannya. ( UI)

(E) Kalimat (6)

Jawaban: A

Soal 9

Kalimat manakah yang menggunakan kata yang maknanya selaras dengan kata memicu pada kalimat (2)?

(A) Gurunya selalu mendorongnya untuk belajar rajin.

(B) Tentara itu menarik pelatuk senjatanya setelah dia membidik.

(C) Semangat juangnya membawanya menjadi pemenang lomba.

(D) Stres mengakibatkan terjadinya gangguan pada jantung.

(E) Pemecatan ketua partai itu menyebabkan terjadinya gelombang demonstrasi.

Jawaban: E

Soal 10

(1) Perjalanan ke Mars akan lebih berbahaya dari sebelumnya. (2) Penelitian terbaru menyebutkan bahwa ada peningkatan risiko kanker dua kali lebih tinggi bagi astronot yang melakukan perjalanan ke planet merah tersebut. (3) Risiko kanker yang tinggi ini disebabkan adanya radiasi kosmik. (4) Memakai baju astronot yang lebih tebal tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah.

(5) Mereka menemukan bahwa model risiko yang sebelumnya dijadikan pedoman belumlah lengkap. (6) Apalagi, model ini selama ini dijadikan pedoman oleh NASA dan grup lainnya. (7) Model lama tersebut menyatakan bahwa sel stem kanker yang teradiasi hanya berdasarkan kerusakan sel langsung dan mutasi. (8) Sementara itu, pada model baru, turut dihitung kemungkinan kerusakan berat pada sel yang akan meningkatkan risiko kanker untuk sel bystander. (9) Dengan demikian, ada efek turunan yang sulit dihindari.

Manakah ringkasan yang paling tepat dari bacaan di atas?

(A) Astronot yang melakukan perjalanan ke Mars berisiko terkena kanker dua kali lebih tinggi karena adanya radiasi kosmik.

(B) Risiko kanker yang akan dialami oleh astronot yang melakukan perjalanan ke Mars menjadi lebih tinggi akibat adanya efek turunan yang sulit dihindari.

(C) Perbedaan utama perhitungan risiko kanker pada model lama dan model baru dalam perjalanan ke Mars terletak pada kemungkinan kerusakan berat pada sel.

(D) Penelitian telah menemukan bahwa perjalanan ke Mars berisiko tinggi bagi para astronaut dengan adanya kemungkinan terkena serangan kanker.

(E) Perjalanan ke Mars meningkatkan risiko astronaut terkena kanker dua kali lebih tinggi karena adanya koreksi perhitungan risiko kanker pada perjalanan ke Mars pada model lama.

Jawaban: E

Bahasa Inggris

Teks untuk menjawab soal nomor 11

Scientists used artificial intelligence (AI) to study the spatial relationships between main earthquakes and their aftershocks. In tests, AI predicted the aftershock locations better than the traditional methods that many seismologists use.

In 1992, a series of earthquakes prompted an outbreak of interest among seismologists. They were trying to map out where exactly an aftershock might occur based on how a mainshock might shift stresses on other faults. After 1992, researchers began trying to refine the complicated stress change patterns using different criteria. The most used criterion, the Coulomb failure stress change, depends on fault orientations. However, stresses can push on the faults from many directions at once. Consequently, fault orientations in the subsurface can be complicated.

Using AI, the data included more than locations and magnitudes. The data considered different measures of changes in stress on the faults from the quakes. The AI learned from the data to determine how likely an aftershock was to occur in a specific place. The team tested how precise the system could pinpoint aftershock locations using data from another 30,000 mainshock-aftershock pairs. The AI consistently predicted aftershock locations much better than the Coulomb failure criterion.

However, the study focuses just on permanent shifts in stress due to a quake. Aftershocks may also be triggered by a more momentary source of stress. A quake’s rumbling through the ground could produce this kind of stress. Another question is whether an AI based forecast system could leap into action quickly enough after a quake. The predictions in the new study benefited from a lot of information about which faults slipped and by how much. In the immediate aftermath of a big quake, such data wouldn’t be available for at least a day.

In paragraph 2, why does the author include information about the earthquake happening in 1992?

(A) To give background for the new approach in seismology

(B) To inform readers of the first occurrence of aftershocks

(C) To describe how extensive the AI research has been done

(D) To illustrate how interesting aftershocks were to seismologists

(E) To give an example of a prominent series of earthquakes in history

Jawaban: A

Teks untuk menjawab soal nomor 12 sampai nomor 15.

There appears to be increasing numbers of children who specialize in a single sport at an early age. The lure of a college scholarship or a professional career can motivate young athletes to commit to specialized training regimens at an early age. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding specializing in one sport before puberty.

Once puberty begins, both boys and girls go through their adolescent growth spurt (AGS). The change and the age at which they occur can have an impact on a child’s sports performance. Going through this can have a significant impact on athletic performance in both positive and negative ways. Increases in body size, hormones, and muscle strength can improve athletic performance. Nevertheless, there may be a temporary decline in balance skills and body control during the AGS. Quick increases in height and weight affect the body’s center of gravity. Sometimes, the brain needs to adjust to this higher observation point. As a result, a teen may seem a little clumsy.

This phase is especially noticeable in sports that require good balance and body control (e.g. figure skating, diving, gymnastics, basketball). In addition, longer arms and legs can affect throwing any type of ball, hitting with a bat, catching with a glove, or swimming and jumping. Coaches that are aware of the AGS can help reduce athletic awkwardness by incorporating specific aspects of training into practice sessions.

Soal 12

The word “lure” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . . .

(A) plan

(B) illusion

(C) chance

(D) appeal

(E) thought

Jawaban: D

Soal 13

The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to . . .

(A) age

(B) impact

(C) puberty

(D) change

(E) occurrence

Jawaban: C

Soal 13

Which sentence is closest in meaning to the last sentence in paragraph 3?

(A) By designing training founded on the knowledge of AGS, trainers can be more  aware of possible difficulties in sports.

(B) With practice that prevents children from performing awkwardly, trainers can assist children through this growth phase.

(C) To help children perform with more ease, trainers should consider the effects of puberty when designing a training routine.

(D) Without considering the physical changes undergone by children, trainers cannot prevent them from having difficulties when training.

(E) Since identifying potential problems during children’s phase of AGS is necessary to eliminate clumsiness, trainers can do this before training begins.

Jawaban: B

Soal 15

The most appropriate title for this passage is..

(A) Adolescent Growth Spurt and Sport

(B) Effects of Puberty on Sports Performance

(C) The Rising Popularity of Sports among Children

(D) The Impact of Poor Balance and Body Control

(E) The Side Effects of Specializing in Sports of Children

Jawaban: B.

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