5 Contoh Analytical Exposition Text Pendidikan: Pendek dan Strukturnya

10 November 2023 16:25 WIB
Kumpulan contoh analytical exposition text tentang pendidikan yang pendek, singkat, dan strukturnya.
Kumpulan contoh analytical exposition text tentang pendidikan yang pendek, singkat, dan strukturnya. ( freepik.com)

Based on the arguments above, it is demonstrated that education is indeed significantly involves in shaping future human resources' quality.

Contoh 3

The Importance of Education


Education is the most important thing among us all. Education has a very important role in your life. In order to live a luxurious life or live a better life, you need education.


Education becomes something that can change a person in living a better life and for social welfare. Education is a step towards doing something constructive for the near future. It helps someone to do their best by using their mind and soul. This is what gives you a lot of knowledge in all aspects.

Education plays an important role in your success in personal growth. The more knowledge you have, the more you will grow. Being educated and obtaining a professional degree can prepare you to be part of well-known companies, organizations, or institutions.


As discussed above, there are a lot of positive benefits to having a good education. Therefore, education is deemed a real success behind any future success.

Contoh 4

Compulsory Education Program


In Indonesia, the government has been making laws on compulsory education for 12 years that will be started in the academic year 2013 and 2014.

The laws is not separated from the role of government, especially the education minister which aims to make children in Indonesia get provisions for the better future.


There are some reasons and goals why the government wants to apply the compulsory education program. Firstly, this is the step of the government to educate the young generation which will be the next generation.

The young generations are expected to open up their mind. Because, the progress and development of the country are in the hands of the youth who have high nationalism that will make our beloved Indonesia is better than before.

In addition to the existence of this education program, the government expects the children of Indonesia will not be left behind with the newest information, science and technology that keep growing and progressed along with the development of the days in this modern and advanced world. Our young generation should be up-to-date about the newest knowledge.

Not only that, by the program of compulsory 12-year-education, the government indirectly have reduced the number of Indonesian people who are illiterate, can not read, as well as writing. Some of Indonesian societies are still illiterate.

This can happen because in the past time they were in low economy level and they preferred to find a job to get the money rather than to follow education at school. According to their opinion, if they only study, they will be waste time.

They thought that they need money. They chose to work to survive their lives. The government expects that there will be no Indonesian people who are illiterate by the compulsory education program.


Those opinions can describe the efforts of the government for education in Indonesia by having a 12-year-compulsory education program, why can this be? The reason why the government is trying to apply that program is of course for our young generations to be the agent to develop and advance our country.

Contoh 5

The Importance of Internet for Education


The impact of internet in education has been far reaching and still developing. It has created instant access to a wide variety of research information to help students learn.

Nowadays, internet access has created the potential for students to learn new material easily. The time students have at class is limited, so the teacher sometimes cannot give all the explanation needed. In this case, internet can help students to get more explanation.


Internet has become now way of life. In the future, on students’ working life, they will have to use internet. So it is wise for the teacher to give assignment which related to it. For example, teacher can ask students to give the assignment via e-mail.


Internet has big impact on education. There are many positive things students and teacher can get from it.

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