15 Contoh Soal Short Message dan Jawabannya, Materi Bahasa Inggris SMP

25 Maret 2024 11:34 WIB
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Ilustrasi belajar ( Pexels)


9. From the message above we know that?

a. Melissa and Jessica have to work together on their project
b. Melissa’s grandma involves in project
c. Melissa dan her grandma will meet Jessica at the hospital
d. Melissa expects Jessica to stay in the hospital with her

Jawaban: A

10. What did Melissa’s purpose to write such kind of message?

a. To tell about her sick grandma
b. To give information about the delay of an activity
c. To ask Jessica to work on their project
d. To persuade Jessica to change the project

Jawaban: B

Text for number 11-12.

Baca Juga: 25 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

To: Ridwan

Sorry Ridwan, I can’t keep my promise to go with you to the dentist this afternoon. I have to meet my client at 01.00 p.m. I have rescheduled the dentist appointment for tomorrow.


11. Ridwan’s dad writes the message in order to?

A. Apologize for not keeping the promise
B. Remind Farid that he has a promise with him
C. Tell Faris that he has to go to the meeting
D. Say that he cannor meet him in the office

Jawaban: A

12. According to the text, we know that?

A. Ridwan is busy
B. Ridwan is having a toothache
C. Dad is having toothache
D. Dad is a businessman

Jawaban: B

Text for number 11-12.

To: Rafael (chair person of 8-D)

Please forward to others. Due to the long holiday, all students must complete their writing assignment. The assignment must be submitted not later than January, 11.

13. Why are the students required to submit their writing assignment?

A. It is one of the requirements
B. There will be writing contest
C. There will be a long vacation
D. It is to accomplish their assignment

Jawaban: C

14. When should students submit their works?

A. A week later
B. After the holiday
C. Before January,11
D. Before January, 12

Jawaban: D

Text for number 15.

To: Gina

I am going to the dental clinic. I have a toothache. When you arrive home and if Mrs. Sasha asks about her dress, please tell her that I’ve not finished sewing yet. She may fetch her dress tomorrow. Thank you.


15. What is Gina’s mother doing at the moment?

A. She is sewing a dress
B. She is fetching her dress
C. She is going to a dental clinic
D. She is visiting a patient

Jawaban: C

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