15 Ucapan Selamat Natal Bahasa Inggris untuk Bos atau Atasan

24 Desember 2021 13:30 WIB
Ilustrasi Ucapan Natal
Ilustrasi Ucapan Natal ( Freepik.com)
  • “Having you for a boss is truly the gift that keeps on giving. May you get everything your heart desires this Christmas.”
  • “Only your guidance showed me the best prospects in life. Thank you, may the spirit of Christmas not outrun you home!”
  • “Every good work has its own result. I hope that all your good works come back to you. Merry Christmas, my dear Boss.”

Doa untuk Natal

  • “Christmas is the season for gifts, gatherings, and food galore. A joyful Christmas to you and yours”.
  • “May the sweet messages of Christmas gladden your heart and bring you the joy of the season. Have fun every day, Boss!”.
  • “I pray to God for everlasting happiness, great health and wonderful life for you and your family this Christmas. Wishing you a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous New Year!”
  • “May your Christmas be as bright and cheerful as you have been all year. We wish you the best for prosperous News Year too.”
  • “May your Christmas as brilliant as you are, and your New Year as bright and promising. Cheers for a wonderful holiday season”.
  • “Wishing you a Christmas overflowing with love, laugher, and harmony with your family”
  • “Merry Christmas my wonderful Boss! I wish you a magical Christmas time and a lot of gifts!”
  • “Blessing of the season to the best Supervisor!"

Baca Juga: 15 Ucapan Natal Tanpa Kata ‘Natal’, Tetap Cerminkan Kehangatan


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