5 Contoh Invitation Card untuk Berbagai Acara

20 Oktober 2022 11:35 WIB
Ilustrasi, Contoh Invitation Card
Ilustrasi, Contoh Invitation Card ( Pexels)

Kami menulis undangan ini untuk mengundang Anda semua untuk berbagi kegembiraan dengan kami di resepsi pernikahan kami.

Silakan datang pada:

Tanggal : 30 Oktober 2022
Tempat : Di Hotel Mulia Jakarta
Waktu : 19.00 WIB - selesai

Merupakan berkah bagi kami jika Anda ada di sana dan berdoa untuk kehidupan baru kami.

Terima kasih.

Kami, keluarga baru yang bahagia,

Charles dan Anna

Baca Juga: 6 Contoh Undangan Formal dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat, Beragam Tema

3. Invitation Card 

Dear all friends.

We want to invite you all,
the member of International Relations Graduate of of Brawijaya University
at the reunion to celebrate the 10th year anniversary
of International Relations Major.

Please confirm your availability on Adi (0899 9192 9192).

We hope all the Community members of the first year will be there.

Thank you very much,

Bimo Baskoro

4. Invitation Card for Grand Opening

Dear Valued Customer,

Our records show that you have been a customer of PJ Party Inc. since our grand opening last year. We would like to thank you for your business by inviting you to our preferred customer Spring Extravaganza next Saturday.

Saturday's sales event is by invitation only. All of our stock, including pajamas and bedding will be marked down from 50-80% off. Doors open at 9:00 AM sharp. Complimentary coffee and donuts will be served. Public admission will commence at noon.

We look forward to seeing you at PJ's on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you and present it at the door.


Linda Lane

Linda Lane
Store Manager

5. Invitation Card for Meeting

Subject: Student Guardian Meeting Invitation

To: All of the parents/guardian of 9 grade student SMP Negeri Harapan

Peace to be upon you,

All the praises and thanks to the Almighty God for His grace and blessings that we ard in good condition and healthy. As the National Examination will be held for 9th grade student, we invite the parents/guardian to attend the student guardian meeting. The student guardian meeting will be held on:

Day, Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2020
Time: 08.00 - 12.00 AM
Place: School Hall SMP Negeri Harapan

Meeting Agenda:

  • Preparation planning for National Examination
  • Conducting the additional lessons after school hours
  • Student consultation regarding study problems

Thus we convey the invitation for guardian meeting of 9th grade student guardian. For the sake of success of students' study and examination, your presence is really awaited Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Best regards,

Carissa, M.Pd
(Headmaster of SMP Negeri Harapan)

Demikian beberapa contoh invitation card dengan berbagai tema yang bisa dijadikan referensi.

Baca berita update lainnya dari Sonora.ID di Google News.

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Terima kasih. Kami sudah menerima laporan Anda. Kami akan menghapus komentar yang bertentangan dengan Panduan Komunitas dan UU ITE.
Laporkan Komentar
Terima kasih. Kami sudah menerima laporan Anda. Kami akan menghapus komentar yang bertentangan dengan Panduan Komunitas dan UU ITE.
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