30 Contoh Riddle dalam Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

9 November 2022 13:35 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh riddle dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi contoh riddle dalam Bahasa Inggris ( unsplash.com)

Jawaban: Time

Baca Juga: 10 Cara Cek IPhone Bekas Paling Mudah dan Cepat

9. What’s full of holes but still holds water?

Jawaban: A sponge

10. Give it food and it will live, give it water and it will die. What is it?

Jawaban: Fire

11. Can you guess what I am? Tall I am young. Short I am old. While with life I glow, wind is my foe. What am I?


12. That comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Jawaban: A candle

13. If you have it, you want to share it. If you shae it, you don’t have it.

Jawaban: The letter 'in'

14. What can go up dan come down without moving?

Jawaban: A secret

15. What do you fill with your empty hands?

Jawaban: Gloves

16. You answer me, although I never ask you question. What am I?

Jawaban: A telephone

17. What has to be broken before it can be used?

Jawaban: An egg

18. What question can you never answer “yes” to?

Jawaban: "Are you sleep"

19. Take off my skin, I won’t cry, but you will. What am I?

Jawaban: An onion

20. Big as biscuit, deep as cup, Even a river can’t fill it up. What’s it?

Jawaban: A kitchen strainer

21. I love to move around, but usually not on the ground. I’m quite strung out when way up high. I like to sail, but I need to stay dry. I need air, but not to breathe. A helpful hand is all I need. What am i?

Jawaban: Kite

22. Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.

Jawaban: Leaves

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23. My tines are long. My tines are short. My tines end ere. What am I?

Jawaban: Lightning

24. The rich men want it. The wise men know it. The poor all need it. The kind men show it.

Jawaban: Lover

25. What travels all around the world and stays in a corner?

Jawaban: Corner

26. What can go up dan come down without moving?

Jawaban: A temperature

27. What do you throw out when you want to use it but take ini when you don’t want to use it?

Jawaban: An anchor

28. What do you fill with your empty hands?

Jawaban: Gloves

29. If you have it, you want to share it. If you shae it, you don’t have it.

Jawaban: A secret

30. I have a head like a cat. I have feet like a cat. But I’m not a cat. What am I?

Jawaban: A kitten

Itulah 30 contoh riddle dalam Bahasa Inggris yang sudah lengkap dengan jawabannya; tertarik untuk bermain teka-teki?

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