45 Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense Positif, Negatif, Interogratif

9 Januari 2023 14:30 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif.
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif. ( Pixabay/Pexels)

Sonora.ID - Berikut ini sejumlah contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif, negatif, interogatif beserta artinya.

Past perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu dan sudah selesai juga di masa lalu, demikian seperti dikutip dari Gramedia.

Tense satu ini merupakan gabungan dari tense simple past dan juga present perfect tense. Rumus past perfect tense yakni sebagai berikut:

  • (+) Subject + had + verb 3
  • (-) Subject + had + not + verb 3
  • (?) Had + Subject + verb 3

Baca Juga: Simple Present Tense: Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Berikut ini contoh kalimat past perfect tense dan artinya.

1. (+) The bus had left when he reached the bus stop. / Busnya sudah pergi ketika dia sampai di halte.
2. (-) The bus had not left when he reached the bus stop. / Busnya belum berangkat ketika dia sampai di halte.
3. (?) Had the bus left when he reached the bus stop? / Apakah busnya telah pergi ketika dia sampai di halte?

4. By the time I got home, my sister had finished his homework. / Saat aku sampai di rumah, kakakku telah menyelesaikan PRnya.
5. By the time I got home, my brother had not finished his homework. / Saat aku sampai di rumah, kakakku belum menyelesaikan PRnya.
6. Had your sister finished his homework by the time you got home? / Apakah kakakmu telah menyelesaikan PRnya saat kamu sampai di rumah?

7. Rizka had studied before she took the IELTS test. / Rizka telah belajar sebelum dia mengikuti tes IELTS.
8. Rizka had not studied before she took the IELTS test. / Rizka belum belajar sebelum dia mengikuti tes IELTS.
9. Had Rizka studied grammar before she took the IELTS test? / Apakah Rizka telah belajar tata bahasa sebelum mengikuti tes IELTS?

10. I had fed my hamster before I left. / Aku telah memberi makan hamsterku sebelum aku pergi.
11. I had not fed my hamster before I left. / Aku belum memberi makan hamsterku sebelum aku pergi.
12. Had you fed my hamster before you left? / Apakah kamu telah memberi makan hamstermu sebelum kamu pergi?

13. My brother had washed his car before he went out of town. / Abangku telah mencuci mobilnya sebelum dia pergi ke luar kota.
14. My brother had not washed his car before he went out of town. / Abangku belum mencuci mobilnya sebelum dia pergi ke luar kota.
15. Had your brother washed his car before went out of town? / Apakah Abangmu telah mencuci mobilnya sebelum pergi ke luar kota?

16. I had eaten the pizza before my little sister came home from school. / Aku telah memakan pizzanya sebelum adikku pulang dari sekolah.
17. I had not eaten the pizza before my little sister came home from school. / Kakakku belum memakan pizzanya sebelum adikku pulang dari sekolah.
18. Had you eaten the pizza before your little sister came home from school? / Apakah kakakmu telah memakan pizzanya sebelum adikmu pulang dari sekolah?

19. I had had lunch when my mother called me. / Aku sudah makan siang ketika ibuku meneleponku.
20. I had not had lunch when my mother called me. / Aku belum makan siang ketika ibuku meneleponku.
21. Had you had lunch when your mother called you? / Apakah kamu sudah makan siang ketika ibumu meneleponmu?

Baca Juga: Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Future Tense Lengkap dengan Artinya

22. My uncle had moved to London before this house was built. / Pamanku sudah pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun.
23. My uncle had not moved to London before this house was built. / Pamanku belum pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun.
24. Had your uncle moved to London before this house was built? / Apakah pamanmu sudah pindah ke London sebelum rumah ini dibangun?

25. My father had read the newspaper before he went to the office. / Ayahku sudah membaca koran sebelum dia berangkat ke kantor.
26. My father had not read the newspaper before he went to the office. / Ayahku tidak membaca koran sebelum dia berangkat ke kantor.
27. Had your father read the newspaper before he went to the office? / Apakah ayahmu sudah membaca koran sebelum berangkat pergi ke kantor?

28. Roni had painted his house when his grandparents came. / Roni sudah mengecat rumahnya saat kakek dan neneknya datang.
29. Roni had not painted his house when his grandparents came. / Roni belum mengecat rumahnya saat kakek dan neneknya datang.
30. Had Roni painted his house when his grandparents came? / Apakah Roni sudah mengecat rumahnya sebelum kakek dan neneknya datang?

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

31. She had bought the ticket before it was sold out. / Dia sudah membeli tiketnya sebelum habis terjual.
32. She had not bought the ticket before it was sold out. / Dia belum membeli tiketnya sebelum terjual habis.
33. Had she bought the ticket before it was sold out? / Apakah dia sudah membeli tiketnya sebelum terjual habis?

34. We had grilled the meat when our neighbors came. / Kami telah memanggang daging saat tetangga kami datang.
35. We had not grilled the meat when our neighbor came. / Kami belum memanggang daging saat tetangga kami datang.
36. Had they grilled the meat when their neighbor came? / Apakah mereka sudah memanggang daging saat tetangga mereka datang?

37. I had cleaned my room when my brother took me to the cinema. / Aku sudah membersihkan kamarku saat kakakku mengajakku ke bioskop.
38. I had not cleaned my room when my brother took me to the cinema. / Aku belum membersihkan kamarku saat kakakku mengajakku ke bioskop.
39. Had you cleaned your room when your brother took you to the cinema? / Apakah kamu sudah membersihkan kamar saat kakakmu mengajakmu ke bioskop?

40. She had watched the movie when the teacher asked them to write a review. / Dia sudah menonton filmnya saat gurunya menyuruh mereka untuk menulis resensi.
41. She had not watched the movie when the teacher asked them to write a review. / Dia belum menonton filmnya saat gurunya menyuruh mereka untuk menulis resensi.
42. Had she watched the movie when the teacher asked them to write a review? / Apakah dia sudah menonton filmnya saat gurunya menyuruh mereka untuk menulis resensi?

43. Rizal had slept for an hour before he had lunch. / Rizal telah tidur selama satu jam sebelum ia makan siang.
44. Rizal had not slept before he had lunch. / Rizal tidak tidur sebelum ia makan siang.
45. Had Rizal slept for an hour before he had lunch? / Apakah Rizal tidur selama satu jam sebelum ia makan siang?

Baca Juga: 51 Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Demikian tadi contoh kalimat past perfect tense positif, negatif, dan interogatif beserta artinya. Semoga bermanfaat!

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