100+ Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Anak 1 Tahun dengan Doa

2 Februari 2023 09:25 WIB
Ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk anak 1 tahun yang Tulus biasanya pertama kali diberikan kepada orang tua untuk anak mereka.
Ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk anak 1 tahun yang Tulus biasanya pertama kali diberikan kepada orang tua untuk anak mereka. ( Freepik)

19. “Semoga kepolosan di matamu dan kemurnian wajahmu tetap bersamamu selamanya. Harapan yang sangat hangat untukmu di hari istimewa ini!”

20. “Malaikat kami, kamu telah tumbuh sangat besar. Saya tidak sabar untuk melihat Anda berbicara dan berjalan di sekitar rumah! Selamat ulang tahun pertama untuk bayi kami.”

Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Anak 1 Tahun Bahasa Inggris

1. “You may only be one year old, but I can already tell you’re going to go in to do great things. Happy 1st birthday.” I can already tell you’re going to go in to do great things

2. “With your unlimited cuteness, you have the power to make anyone do whatever you want. Happy first birthday to the most powerful person in the family right now.”

3. “Happy 1st birthday, my little munchkin! You are the most important part of my life. I’m really lucky to have you in my life. I love you so much. May this day come back again and again in your life!”

4. “You give us a gift every day. One year with you has meant 365 special gifts that you’ve given us. Each day with you in our lives is an irreplaceable and priceless present.”

5. “Happy birthday, cutie! We loved you from the first moment your mom told us you were in her womb. We hope the rest of your life is as precious as your first year!”

Baca Juga: 100+ Ucapan Ulang Tahun untuk Suami Penuh Makna dan Romantis

6. “Your parents are true superheroes for taking care of such a cute baby girl. All the sleepless nights are worth it for a cute baby girl like you! Have a wonderful birthday, sweetheart!”

7. “Have an awesome day today, you may not remember it, but we will all remember how special it was – the first of many to come!”

8. “You may not remember the flavor of your first birthday cake, but you will always feel the warmth and love that your parents put into making it a special one. Happy birthday!”

9. “We can’t believe it has been a whole year since you have been with us. You have brought so much pleasure to our lives! We hope that next year, you will continue to do the same. Happy very first birthday, baby boy.”

10. “You’re growing up so fast, we’re just so pleased we get to see it happen. Happy 1st birthday.” You’re growing up so fast, we’re just so pleased we get to see it happen

Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun Anak Satu Tahun yang Menyentuh

11. “Our baby is one year old today. Nothing gives us more joy than your entry into our lives. We are grateful every day because you are a treasure to us. Happy Birthday from dad and mom.”

12. “Happy first birthday to you! We love you like your parents do and hope you receive lots of amazing presents to play with!”

13. “Happy first birthday! Although it may not be as memorable as some of your other ones will be, it is just as special and meaningful! I wish you even more, laughs and happiness in the year to come! Enjoy!”

14. “It’s only been a year since you were born, but you gave us so many sweet memories to treasure in our lives! Our little star’s happy 1st birthday!”

15. “No birthday greeting can describe the size of our love for you. You are sweeter than ice cream, and your hugs are our precious gift forever. Happy birthday sweet baby girl!”

16. “Happy birthday, my dear. Time flies when you’re having fun, and being your dad is what we enjoy the most! Your boundless cuteness makes us melt every day, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We love you lots.”

Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Anak 1 Tahun yang Tulus

17. “When you grow up, and you ask me questions about your first birthday, I will describe it with a word: “awesome”! Happy 1st birthday, my dear.”

18. “My sweet boy, no matter which age you reach, you’ll always remain our precious little hero! Happy First Birthday! We love you to the moon and back!”

19. “For everyone around you, a cute little baby like you is a gift. Wishing all of you the happiest ever on your 1st birthday!”

20. “You have graced our lives for a full year. Thank you very much for everything that you have given us. Happy birthday, cute angel!”

Ucapan Selamat Ulang Tahun untuk Anak 1 Tahun yang Penuh Cinta

1. “Wishing you dreams as tall as a giraffe and as wide as a rhino on your first birthday! Happy birthday, little one!”

2. “Happy first birthday ever! From your little nose to your tiny toes, I love every bit of you, my beautiful baby girl!”

3. “Happy first birthday, little girl. This day is yours, and I wish to God that you have hundreds of birthdays like this.”

4. “Our warmest wishes go to the little queen of this house, who is turning a year old today! Happy First Birthday, our precious fairy! We love you!”

5. “You are such a charming baby girl that everyone in the house is delighted to see you. It’s a very special day in your life. Congratulations!”

6. “You are the most adorable one-year-old that I have ever seen. I hope you don’t grow up too quickly, as this year seemed to fly by! Happy birthday to a baby who truly never stops smiling and giggling. Never change!”

7. “Our dear angel, you are the most adorable baby girl I have ever seen. May God bless you with health, wealth, and prosperity! Happy 1st birthday!”

8. “I have a feeling you’ll go through life being the center of attention in every room, just like you are today. Happy birthday to the most amazing one-year-old!”

9. “There’s nothing in this world that can ever give us more happiness than the fact that you are our sweet baby girl. We love you more than we can ever express to you in any language. Happy 1st birthday, dearest little angel. May you forever swoon in good fortune and true happiness.”

10. “Happy first birthday to our little princess! The one year you have been with us was the best of our lives. We love you so much!”

11. “My precious daughter, the sound of your giggles is enough to remove all my stress and exhaustion from the day. I love you, baby. Happy first birthday!”

12. “Wishing an incredibly happy birthday to our one and only sweetie in this world! Our sweet love, we hope your first birthday is an absolutely blessed one that brings you so much happiness and love.”

13. “You are such a beautiful little princess that every parent would love to have you. No wonder why your parents are so thrilled. Many congratulations on passing 1-year. Have a stupendous 1st birthday, darling!”

Demikian adalah 100+ ucapan selamat ulang tahun untuk anak 1 tahun yang dilengkapi dengan doa dari orang tua.

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