30 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

27 Februari 2023 12:19 WIB
Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2.
Contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2. ( Pixabay/Pexels)

Sonora.ID - Dalam artikel ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh soal UTS atau PTS mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris khusus untuk siswa SMP kelas 8 semester 2.

Kumpulan soal UTS ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan belajar di rumah untuk mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan oleh bapak dan ibu guru.

Para siswa pun dapat meminta bantuan orang tua atau orang dewasa lainnya untuk mengoreksi jawabannya.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UTS Matematika Kelas 5 Semester 2 serta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2

  • It is the heaviest land animals. It is also intelligent and have good memories. Most of it lives in Africa and Asia, such as in Lampung, Indonesia. It uses its long trunks almost like an arm, to put food and water in their mouths. it eats grass and plants. The animal in the description is ….

Jawaban: Elephant

  • It has thick fur coats to protect them from the cold. Most of it lives in northern parts of the world. It is large and powerful. It has a good sense of smell. Some of it eats meat, and some of it eats honey. In winter,it finds a snug place to hibernate. The animal in the description is ….

Jawaban: Bear

  • It is a tame animal. It has two long ears. It eats carrot. It hops. It lives in burrows. The animal in the description is …

Jawaban: Rabbit

  • It is the biggest of all cats. It lives in the grasslands and forests. Its stripped coat gives it good camoulage when they hunt. It loves meat to eat. The animal in the description is ….

Jawaban: Tiger

  • My uncle works in the zoo. He repairs the animal cages …..

Jawaban: Regularly

  • Rumini is ….. in her bedroom.

Jawaban: Sleeping

  • My sister and I get up early ….

Jawaban: Every day

  • When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare for the ….

Jawaban: Breakfast

  • My father, my father, my sister and I always have dinner together in the night. …… always do this happily.

Jawaban: We 

  • Uncle is hospitalized because he ….. an accident on his way to the office yesterday.

Jawaban: Got

  • Fahri : “Did you know? Aisyah got 9 for her English.”

Maria : “Wow! …..”

Jawaban: How intelligent

  • Ms. Rina: Students, pay attention please!

Students: Yes, miss.

The bold sentence is the expression of asking for…..

Jawaban: Attention

  • Rumini: Kholis, which dress do you think I should buy? The blue one or the red one?

Kholis: In my opinion, the blue dress suits you better.

From the dialog, we know that Kholis is expressing her…..

Jawaban: Opinion

  • Deri: What do you ….. about this t-shirt?

Umar: I think it’s a great t-shirt.

Jawaban: Think

  • Gabriela: What are they doing in the field?

Syifa: They are ….. football there

Jawaban: Playing

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 yang Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

  • Dede: Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

Wahyudi: I don’t think so. I think if we learn seriously, there are no difficult lessons including Physics.

According to the dialogue between Dede and Wahyudi, which sentence is the expression of asking for opinion?

Jawaban: Do you think that Physics is a difficult lesson?

Question for number 14-16

Ansor is an Indonesian. He is a student. He is 17 years old. His birthday is August 7th, 2006. He lives at Jl. Cicondet No.10. He is a diligent student. He likes sports. Her hobbies are swimming and writing. He has black hair. He is a handsome boy.

  •  How old is Ansor?

Jawaban: Seventeen years old

  • When was Ansor born?

Jawaban: in 2006

  • Where does he live?

Jawaban: Jl. Cicondet No.10

  • A ….. sells vegetables.

Jawaban: Farmer

  •  Look! The dog is …..… meat because the dog is hungry!

Jawaban: Eating

  • When my sister and I get home, we do the assignments from our teachers. We do and finish our  ….

Jawaban: Homework

  • Dayu, Lina, and Siti are never late to school. They walk to school every day. They are always ….

Jawaban: On time

  • Dayu, Lina, and Siti always walk to school. They look ….

Jawaban: Tired

  • Everybody in the class has the special task. Udin has a job to clean up the floor by …… it.

Jawaban: Sweeping

  • Ratna: “Getting a bad mark is bad. But cheating is ……. It is not honest.”

Jawaban: Worse

  • Hasan is 15 years old. Joni is 14 years old. Joni is ……. than Hasan.

Jawaban: Younger

  • My ruler is 30 cm long. Joni’s ruler is 25 cm long. Joni’s ruler is …….. than my ruler.

Jawaban: Shorter

  • I can lift the desk. Hasan can’t move the desk I have moved. I am …… than Hasan.

Jawaban: Stronger

  • I got 95 in English and 65 in Mathematic. I think Mathematic is ……. than English.

Jawaban: More difficult.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal UTS Matematika Kelas 3 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawabannya

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