8 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense: Positive, Negative, Interrogative

8 Maret 2023 19:00 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat simple present tense bahasa Inggris: positive, negative, interrogative.
Ilustrasi contoh kalimat simple present tense bahasa Inggris: positive, negative, interrogative. ( npr.org)

Sonora.ID - Berikut adalah paparan mengenai beberapa contoh kalimat simple present tense untuk jenis positive, negative, dan interrogative.

Dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari, kita mengenal berbagai jenis kalimat yang memiliki karakteristiknya masing-masing.

Di dalam artikel ini, Sonora hendak fokus membahas simple present tense.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, simple present tense adalah tipe kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa masa kini.

Dibandingkan dengan bentuk tense lain, simple present tense tergolong sebagai tense yang paling sederhana.

Simple present tense lantas terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa tipe, yakni positive, negative, dan interrogative.

Rumus dari ketiga tipe simple present tense di atas ialah sebagai berikut:

- Positif: Subject + verb 1 + complement.
- Negatif: Subject + don't/doesn't + verb 1 + complement.
- Tanya: Do/does + subject + verb 1 + complement.

Baca Juga: 5 Perbedaan He, His dan Him dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Benar!

Untuk paham lebih jauh soal masing-masing tipe simple present tense di atas, simak informasi soal contohnya masing-masing, sebagaimana dikutip Sonora dari Grid.id berikut ini.

Contoh Simple Present Tense

1. Positive: I like eating mango because it is sweet.
- Negative: I don't like eating mango because it is sweet.
- Interrogative: Do I like eating mango because it is sweet?

2. Positive: We have a Persian cat.
- Negative: We don't have a Persian cat.
- Interrogative: Do we have a Persian cat?

3. Positive: You have to wait for the next queue.
- Negative: You don't have to wait for the next queue.
- Interrogative: Do you have to wait for the next queue?

4. Positive: They need to save the dog.
- Negative: They don't need to save the dog.
- Interrogative: Do they need to save the dog?

5. Positive: She walks for an hour.
- Negative: She doesn't walk for an hour.
- Interrogative: Does she walk for an hour?

6. Positive: Arya wants to swim in the swimming pool.
- Negative: Arya doesn't want to swim in the swimming pool.
- Interrogative: Does Arya want to swim in the swimming pool?

7. Positive: My cat eats a lot of dry foods.
- Negative: My cat doesn't eat a lot of dry food.
- Interrogative: Does my cat eat a lot of dry food?

8. Positive: Lina and Rangga go to the market together.
- Negative: Lina and Rangga don't go to the market together.
- Interrogative: Do Lina and Rangga go to the market together?

Demikian paparan mengenai contoh kalimat simple present tense untuk tipe positive, negative, dan interrogative sebagaimana di atas. Semoga bermanfaat.

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