7 Contoh Dialog Checking Fot Understanding dan Artinya yang Mudah Dipahami

3 Agustus 2023 13:25 WIB
7 Contoh Dialog Checking Fot Understanding dan Artinya yang Mudah Dipahami.
7 Contoh Dialog Checking Fot Understanding dan Artinya yang Mudah Dipahami. ( )

Sonora.ID - Contoh dialog checking for understanding beserta artinya bisa dengan mudah kamu pahami dari artikel di bawah ini.

Belajar bahasa Inggris memang perlu dipraktikan dengan cara dialog bersama teman atau keluarga agar kosa katamu bertambah dan kamu semakin mahir setiap harinya.

Berdasarkan pengertiannya, checking for understanding adalah frasa atau kalimat yang digunakan untuk menanyakan dan memastikan apakah lawan bicara memahami apa yang kita bicarakan.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 1

Hima : Sorry to bother you
Kugy: It’s Okay. What’s up?
Hima : Can you tell me how to answer these questions?
Kugy: Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me?
Hima : What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph?
Kugy: Well, to find the answer to question number 3, you must focus on paragraph two.
Hima : I see. I know what you mean. Thanks.

Baca Juga: 5 Contoh Dialog Introducing Others 3 Orang, Perkenalan Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 2

Mommy: Sira, don't put any clothes to the washing machine because it's broken.
Sira: Sorry, Mama. I didn't hear you.
Mommy: Don't use the washing machine because it's broken. Do you understand?
Sira: Okay, I understand, Mom.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 3

Rio: Can you help me?
Mika: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
Rio: Can you go to the bookstore and buy me a pencil, an eraser, a drawing book, a ruler, and a blue marker, please?
Mika : Okay.
Rio: Wait. Do you remember what I say?
Mika: Yes, I do. A pencil, a blue marker, an eraser, a ruler, and a drawing book. Is it right?
Rio: Yes, You are right. Thank you.
Mika: You’re welcome.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 4

Gerald: Mom, I can’t do my English homework. Can you help me?
Mommy: Yes, sure. Let me read it first. It is easy. You just read it carefully and find the key words from the questions. And then, match it with the text. Do you understand?
Gerald: Yes, I do, Dad. Find the keywords. I’ll try, Mom.
Mommy: Good luck.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 5

Lia: Hey, Tom!
Tom: Hey Lia, what’s happening? You look so confused.
Lia: I don’t understand what the teacher said in Biology class.
Tom: Let me help you. Which one don’t you understand?
Lia: This one. It is about ecosystem.
Tom: Oh, in an ecosystem there is a living organisms such as humans, animals, plants and also non living components such as mineral, air, and water. Have you got it?
Lia: Yeah, but I’m still not sure about it. Can you teach it to me?
Tom: Yeah sure. Should we study about it in our school library?
Lia: Yeah sure, let’s go now.
Tom: Okay.

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 6

Mother: Dear, can you help me to cook fish?
Clover: Yes, Mom
Mother: Will you buy me some fish in the market, first?
Clover: Okay, Mom. I will go there by a motorcycle
Mother: All right. And please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop. Do you know what I mean, dear?
Clover: I don’t quite follow you, Mom.
Mother: please don’t forget to buy ginger at Bu Ma’s shop Okay, be careful dear.
Clover: thank you Mom. I’ll go now.

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang Lengkap Beserta Artinya

Contoh Dialog Checking for Understanding 7

Mom: Hey Sandy, can you help me cook this fish soup?
Jimmy: Yeah sure, Mom.
Mom: To cook fish soup, you need a fish, a half liter of water, ginger, red onion, white onion, carrot, tomato, and lettuce. Do you understand?
Jimmy: I don’t understand Mom, sorry. It was too confusing for me.
Mom: It’s okay Sandy, because it is your first time cooking fish soup. Let me help you with it.
Jimmy: Thank you, Mom.
Mom: You are welcome, Sandy.

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