7 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris 2 Orang tentang Kehidupan Sehari-hari

28 Agustus 2023 11:55 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang.
Ilustrasi contoh dialog bahasa Inggris 2 orang. ( )

1. Dialog 1 - At the Coffee Shop:

Person A: Hey there! How's your day going?
Person B: Hi! It's been quite a busy day at work. I just had a quick break to grab a cup of coffee. How about you?
Person A: I can relate! Work has been keeping me on my toes too. I thought a coffee would help me power through the day.

2. Dialog 2 - Shopping for Groceries:

Person A: Good afternoon! Are you heading to the grocery store?
Person B: Hello! Yes, I am. I need to pick up some fresh vegetables and fruits. What about you?
Person A: Same here. I'm planning to get some chicken and rice for the week. Do you want to go together? It's always more fun with company!

3. Dialog 3 - Discussing the Weather:

Person A: What a beautiful day, isn't it?
Person B: Absolutely! The sun is shining, and the temperature is just perfect. It's a great day for a leisurely stroll.
Person A: I completely agree. Let's make the most of it and go for a walk in the park later. What do you think?

4. Dialog 4 - Planning a Movie Night:

Person A: Hey, how about we have a movie night this weekend?
Person B: Oh, that sounds like a fantastic idea! I've been wanting to relax and unwind. What movies are you thinking of?
Person A: I've got a few options lined up: an action-packed film, a hilarious comedy, and a suspenseful thriller. We can take a vote!

5. Dialog 5 - Work and Stress:

Person A: How's work treating you these days?
Person B: To be honest, it's been quite hectic. The workload seems never-ending with all these projects piling up.
Person A: I can totally relate. Let's plan a lunch date soon. We can catch up, vent about work, and hopefully de-stress together.

6. Dialog 6 - Arranging a Meetup:

Person A: Long time no see! We really need to catch up.
Person B: Absolutely, it's been ages! How about we plan a dinner meetup this Friday? I've heard about a new restaurant in town.
Person A: That sounds like a fantastic idea. I'll mark my calendar. It'll be great to reconnect and hear all about what's been going on.

7. Dialog 7 - Sharing Hobbies:

Person A: Hey! Have you had a chance to do any painting recently?
Person B: Not as much as I'd like. Work has been taking up most of my time lately, and I've been finding it hard to make time for my hobbies.
Person A: I completely understand. Maybe you could set aside a specific time each week for painting. It's such a wonderful way to unwind and tap into your creativity.

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Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Dialog Menawarkan Bantuan atau Offering Help dalam Bahasa Inggris

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