3 Pidato Calon Ketua dan Wakil Ketua OSIS: Pendek dalam Bahasa Inggris

29 Agustus 2023 10:35 WIB
Contoh pidato Calon Ketua dan Wakil Ketua OSIS dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya.
Contoh pidato Calon Ketua dan Wakil Ketua OSIS dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya. ( Freepik)

My vision is to make the students of Tri Dharma senior high school become active, innovative, responsible and competitive. Then, to realize my vision as the leader of Students Association Organization, I will do some mission. First, I will grow the strong faith to God among the students by holding some religious events and also charity program, and other events in the Ramadhan month. Second, I will plant the sense of belonging as family among the students by holding a camp at school. Third, I will form a good organization team that is able to show their great identity, personality, and integrity as the example of good students.

Fourth, I will hold seminar and camp about leadership at school for all students. Fifth, I will help teachers and school in implementing discipline attitude among the students. Sixth, I will hold some competition in arts, science, and sport. I will invite other schools in this province to join the competition and it is also a mean to promote our school and show them the goodness of our school. Seventh, I will increase the students’ awareness about environment around the school. Eighth, I will develop and explore the students’ potential, creativity, aptitude, and interest by providing and holding some extra class or tutorial in the field that may attract their interest, such as arts, sport, other field. Ninth, I will finish the previous programs that haven’t been done by the previous leader and team. Tenth, I will provide the students a place to share their opinion, criticism, and suggestion about this school. That is also a mean for this school to be developed.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Being a leader is not about feeling easy or hard. It is about a team. A team will be good by the leader, and the leader will be successful by the team. A leader and a team complete each other. I will work as well as possible to create a good team to realize all of the missions and make this school become better and the students make this school proud.

Ladies and gentlemen,

That was all about my speech this morning. I have delivered my vision and missions. I hope that all of the students, teachers, and the other staff can choose the best choice wisely. I hope that my speech this morning can help you all to make a decision. I am Yuna Rianti. Thank you very much for your attention.

See you next time.


Selamat pagi, hadirin sekalian.

Yang Terhormat kepala sekolah kami, Ny. Wellington.

Yang saya hormati semua guru saya.

Dan semua teman-temanku tercinta.

Pertama-tama, puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang atas rahmat dan karunia-Nya kita bisa berkumpul di sini pada pagi dan tempat yang indah ini, dalam acara Pemilihan Ketua OSIS

Hadirin sekalian,

Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Yuna Rianti. Saya siswa kelas XI IPS. Saya calon Ketua OSIS. Disini saya ingin menyampaikan visi dan misi saya menjadi Ketua OSIS.

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