7 Text Explanation tentang Fenomena Alam, Singkat untuk Referensi Tugas

6 September 2023 11:40 WIB
Ilustrasi text explanation tentang fenomena alam
Ilustrasi text explanation tentang fenomena alam ( freepik.com)

In the lungs, breathing out or exhalation removes carbon dioxide from the body, thus completing the respiration cycle.

6. Contoh Text Explanation tentang Fenomena Alam VI


General Statement

In Indonesia we already know the word "tsunami". This natural disaster claimed thousands of lives in Banda Aceh several years ago. Indonesia mourns, the world mourns. So what is the tsunami process? Below is a brief description of the tsunami process. 


A tsunami can occur when a phenomenon occurs that causes the movement of large amounts of water in the ocean. This is Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, falling meteorites. However, 90% of tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes.

Vertical movements occurring in the seafloor crust cause the seafloor to rise or fall abruptly, causing turbulence in the overlying water bodies.


Due to this disturbance, very large amounts of seawater energy flowed in, and when they reached the coast, they became large waves and generated tsunamis.

7. Contoh Text Explanation tentang Fenomena Alam VII


General Statement

Flooding is a disaster which commonly happens in large and densely populated cities. In Indonesia, the floods hit Jakarta very often and cause many victims. Then, do you know the process of how a flood happens? Pay attention to the following explanation.


The process of natural flooding is preceded by rain which falls to the surface of the earth. Then the rain water is absorbed by the ground surface and flows to the lower place. Once that condition happens, evaporation and the water appear to the surface of the land.

Flooding can be disastrous for humans when floods happen in an area that people live because the water carries along objects like houses, bridges, cars, furniture and even people. On the other hand, the process of non natural flooding is usually caused by bad habits of humans who do not care about the environment, such as littering that can make water flow clogged.


This makes the water deposited in landfills which gradually becomes more common. When water reservoirs can no longer hold water discharge, the water then overflows out theland and cause flooding.

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