40 Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

7 September 2023 16:04 WIB
Contoh soal PTS/UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 6 Semester 1 dan kunci jawabannya.
Contoh soal PTS/UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 6 Semester 1 dan kunci jawabannya. ( Sonora Palembang)

Sonora.ID - Dalam artikel ini kami sajikan beberapa contoh soal UTS atau PTS mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris khusus untuk siswa kelas 6 Semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2023/2024.

Kumpulan soal UTS bahasa Inggris ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan belajar di rumah untuk mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan oleh bapak dan ibu guru di sekolah.

Usai menyelesaikan soal-soalnya para siswa pun dapat meminta bantuan orang tua atau orang dewasa lainnya untuk mengoreksi jawabannya.

Berikut ini kumpulan contoh soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 semester 1 2023/2024 dan jawabannya, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal UTS PTS PAI Kelas 3 SD Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

Soal 1

Rika: "... does this T-shirt cost"?

Fadly: "It costs one hundred thousand rupiahs".

Jawaban: How much

Soal 2

Miss Laila is young and ...

Jawaban: Beautiful

Soal 3

Hilmi always ... the floor in the morning.

Jawaban: sweeps

Soal 4

The .... is slower than the motorcycle

Jawaban: Bicycle

Soal 5

Tourist stay at... along their holiday.

Jawaban: hotel

Soal 6

My teacher needs some paper, do you have... ?

Jawaban: Any     

Soal 7

The National Monument located in...

Jawaban: Jakarta

Soal 8

What did you do last... ?

Jawaban: Holiday   

Soal 9

How many hours are there in a day?

There are ... hours

Jawaban: twenty four

Soal 10

Sure, No .... At all.

Jawaban: Problem

Soal 11

May I borrow ... pencil?

Jawaban: your

Soal 12

A: Can I use your toy car?
B: No, ...

Jawaban: you can't

This text is for questions number 13 – 17

My name is Angga. I live at Wijaya Street. My house is next to the bookstore. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the traditional market. The traditional market is located at Merdeka Street. There are many public places along this street.

There are a bank and a post office on the both sides of the traditional market. The bank is in the left side and the post office is in the right side. There is a bakery across the traditional market. There is also a police station. It is next to the bakery.

Soal 13

Where does Angga live?

Jawaban: at Benteng Street

Soal 14

Where does his mother want to go?

Jawaban: She wants to go to the traditional market.

Soal 15

Where is the supermarket located?

Jawaban: At Merdeka Street

Soal 16

Where is the bakery?

Jawaban: Across the traditional market

Soal 17

What are the public places next to the traditional market?

Jawaban: A bank and a post office

Soal 18

He is ... man in my village. (paling tua)

Jawaban: the oldest

Soal 19

The opposite of north is ...

Jawaban: south

Soal 20

My grand mother is ... your grand mother (setua)

Jawaban: as old as

Soal 21

Is plan faster than cart ? Yes, ...

Jawaban: it is

Soal 22

Train is ... than bus

Jawaban: faster

Soal 23

My house is ... than the hotel

Jawaban: Smaller  

Soal 24

Andi : “.... is Bunaken located?”

Anton :” It is located in north sulawesi”.

Jawaban: Where

Soal 25

Excuse me,what is your _____ ? (nama)

Jawaban: name 

Soal 26

A: ......?

B: My hobby is Listening to music

Jawaban: What is your hobby

Soal 27

Turn around bahasa Indonesianya adalah...

Jawaban: berputar

Soal 28

We usually put the flower vase ……. The table .

Jawaban: on  

Soal 29

I have seven marbles , Diana has three marbles ,we have ……… Marbles.

Jawaban: 10

Dialog for number 30-31!

Susi : "Where do you want to go?"

Meila : I want to go to the fruit stall."

Susi : "What do you want to buy there?"

Meila : I want to buy apples there."

Soal 30

Meila goes to the ……

Jawaban: fruit stall

Soal 31

Meila buys an  ……

Jawaban: Apples  

Following the text for question no 32-9!

Craftsmen from Garut

Mr. Samad is a slippers craftsman from Garut. A long time ago , Mr. Samad was a seller of leather slippers, he sells by walking from village to village and then to Jakarta to sell leather slippers from the factory. From starting to sell he knows the desires of the buyer, the buyer's favorite model. Then Mr. Samad learned to make slippers, and begin experiment with various models of homemade slippers. And the products from Mr. Samad are enjoyed by consumers. Learning never stops, making Mr. Samad business to grow. The different between Garut’s slippers and the others is new model and uses quality material.

Mr. Samad also had the opportunity to participate in introducing his product and invited to work with exporters from abroad. Now Mr. Samad’s slippers product go abroad. Simple models with good quality material and stitches make slippers preferred by people abroad.

Soal 32

What is the title of the text?

Jawaban: Craftsmen from Garut  

Soal 33

Who is the slippers craftsman from Garut?

Jawaban: Mr. Samad   

Soal 34

What is Mr. Samad made ?

Jawaban: slippers  

Soal 35

Where Mr. samad comes from ?

Jawaban: Garut

Read the text above to answer the question number 36-37!

The Food We Eat

What is your favorite food? Some people love fast food. Some love ice cream. But you can’t eat only fast food and ice cream all the time. You also need fruits, vegetables, and other kinds of foods.

Why do we need food? We need foods for many reasons. We need foods in order to live. When we feel hungry, we need to eat more food.

Every part of our body uses energy from foods. Our brain uses energy to think. Your heart uses energy to beat. Your muscle use energy to move. So, eat the right kinds of foods to keep us healthy. 

Soal 36

What is the text about……..

Jawaban: the function of food

Soal 37

Why do we need food ……

Jawaban: for stay alive  

Dialogue for number 38 and 39

Indah : ‘Whose pencil case is that?”

Silvi : “That is Irma’s pencil case. The pencil case is hers”.

Indah : “What is the color of it?”

Silvi : “ The color of the pencil case is pink.”

Soal 38

The pencil case belongs to ……

Jawaban: Irma

Soal 39

The color of the pencil case is ……

Jawaban: pink

Soal 40

Driver is a person who drives ...

Jawaban: Car

Demikianlah paparan mengenai kumpulan contoh soal UTS bahasa Inggris kelas 6 Semester 1 dan kunci jawabannya.

Baca Juga: 35 Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Jawa Kelas 3 SD Semester 1 dan Jawabannya

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