12 Puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 5 Oktober 2023: Sesuai Tema dan Menyentuh

4 Oktober 2023 15:46 WIB
Puisi Hari Guru Sedunia atau World Teachers Day 2023 dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang sesuai tema.
Puisi Hari Guru Sedunia atau World Teachers Day 2023 dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris yang sesuai tema. ( Freepik)

1, 2, 3 ,4 dan seterusnya….

Harapnya tetap tak lekang dimakan usia….

Tetap tak basi dari sebuah tradisi….

Dia tetap mulia…

Dengan segala wibawanya….

Masa depan?

Jangan kau tanyakan….

Aku dan kamulah sang harapan…

Menjadi lebih hebat dari apa yang ia ajarkan….

Maka genggamlah apa yang ia percayakan…

Puisi 6

Jasamu Tak Terbalas

(Saraswitha Shinta Hapsari)

Ketika ilmuku gelap gulita

Engkaulah pelitanya

Ketika ilmuku butuh cahaya

Engkaulah penerangnya

Kau bagi ilmu

Menerangi otakku

Seolah engkau berkata

“Rajinlah belajar muridku.. Agar kau sukses nantinya..”


Padamu guru-guruku

Aku haturkan rasa hormatku

Untukmu guru-guruku

Aku ucapkan terima kasih

Atas ilmu yg telah kau bagi pada murid-muridmu

Jasamu tak kan pernah terbalas

Selamat hari pahlawan..

Untukmu pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa

Terima kasihku…

Karna tanpamu

Aku terjatuh di alam kebodohan

(B) Puisi Hari Guru Sedunia Bahasa Inggris

Puisi 7

The Best Teachers

(Joanna Fuchs)

Teachers open up young minds,

showing them the wonders of the intellect

and the miracle

of being able to think for themselves.

A teacher exercises

the mental muscles of students,

stretching and strengthening,

so they can make challenging decisions,

find their way in the world,

and become independent.

The best teachers care enough

To gently push and prod students

to do their best

and fulfill their potential.

You are one of those.

Thank you.

Puisi 8

Thank You, Teacher

(Joanna Fuchs)

Thank you, skillful teacher,

For teaching me to be

A stronger, smarter person,


Thank you, favorite teacher

For acting like a friend,

And taking time to show me,

Lessons hard to comprehend.

Thank you for your caring

And lots of other stuff

For all the things you gave me,

I can’t thank you enough

Puisi 9

If I Could Teach You, Teacher

(Joanna Fuchs)

If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d teach you how much more

you have accomplished

than you think you have.

I’d show you the seeds

you planted years ago

that are now coming into bloom.

I’d reveal to you the young minds

that have expanded under your care,

the hearts that are serving others

because they had you as a role model.

If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d show you the positive effect

you have had on me and my life.

Your homework is

to know your value to the world,

to acknowledge it, to believe it.

Thank you, teacher

Puisi 10

Sonnet For An Unforgettable Teacher

(Joanna Fuchs)

(Teacher’s name),

When I began your class I think I knew

The kind of challenges you’d make me face.

You gave me motivation to pursue

The best, and to reject the commonplace.

Your thinking really opened up my mind.

With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,

That what I’d choose to seek, I’d surely find;

You shook me out of my complacency.

I thank you now for everything you’ve done;

What you have taught me I will not outgrow.

Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;

In many ways that you will never know.

I will remember you my whole life through;

I wish that all my teachers were like you

Puisi 11

Good Guide

(Joanna Fuchs)

A smart and really good teacher

Should be a good guide, not a preacher.

She’d open each mind

Therein treasures to find;

Encouragement would be her best feature.

You have this good quality and more;

You inspire each brain to explore.

Our respect you are earning;

You’ve made us love learning,

As no teacher has before

Puisi 12

Number One Teacher

(Joanna Fuchs)

I’m happy that you’re my teacher;

I enjoy each lesson you teach.

As my role model you inspire me

To dream and to work and to reach.

With your kindness you get my attention;

Every day you are planting a seed

Of curiosity and motivation

To know and to grow and succeed.

You help me fulfill my potential;

I’m thankful for all that you’ve done.

I admire you each day, and I just want to say,

As a teacher, you’re number one!

Demikianlah paparan mengenai kumpulan contoh puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 2023 dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.

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