70 Contoh Soal UTBK SNBT 2024, Lengkap Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

8 Januari 2024 11:25 WIB
Ilustrasi ( (Dok. Universitas Brawijaya))

41. Nilai minimum fungsi kuadrat f adalah -8 dan grafik fungsi tersebut melalui titik (-1,0) dan titik (3,0). Grafik fungsi tersebut juga melalui titik (4,b) dengan b = ...

A. 42

B. 21

C. 10

D. 5

E. 0

Jawaban: C

Bilangan empat a094 kurang dari 6000.

42. Jika bilangan tersebut dibagi 3 bersisa 1, maka a =

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

Jawaban: C

43. Banyaknya faktor prima dari bilangan empat angka tersebut adalah

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

E. 6

Jawaban: C

44. Banyaknya faktor positif dari bilangan empat angka tersebut adalah

A. 17

B. 16

C. 15

D. 14

E. 4

Jawaban: B

45. Perhatikan barisan bilangan real 2, a, 8, ....

Apakah 16 merupakan salah satu suku barisan tersebut?

Putuskan apakah pernyataan (1) dan (2) berikut cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

1. Barisan tersebut adalah barisan aritmetika
2. Barisan tersebut adalah barisan bilangan positif

A. Pernyataan (1) SAJA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi pernyataan (2) SAJA tidak cukup.

B. Pernyataan (2) SAJA cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi pernyataan (1) SAJA tidak cukup.

C. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan, tetapi salah satu dari keduanya tidak cukup.

D. Pernyataan (1) ataupun pernyataan (2) SAJA sudah cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan.

E. Pernyataan (1) dan pernyataan (2) tidak cukup untuk menjawab pertanyaan.

Jawaban: A


An actor creates and performs a character by using cognitive empathy or Theory of Mind (ToM). It is the ability to represent others’ mental states. ToM plays a critical role in understanding and navigating social situations. Reflection into the character's mental life depends on the actor’s approach to character performance. This may be an important part of the character-creation process. This process involves the exploration of the history, motivations, beliefs, and values of the character. This exploration often goes well beyond the information contained within the script. In other words, for many actors, creating a character involves a complex application of ToM, which includes several brain regions such as the temporoparietal junction and posterior cingulate/precuneus.

The temporoparietal junction works in processing and judgments of self and others. According to some studies, overcoming self–other interference and ToM is a deeply integrated process. Findings show that simulating others has been shown to influence self-knowledge. In this simulation, trait and memory measures become similar to a simulated other after adopting their perspective. Some brain regions are deactivated when trained actors use the first-person fictional perspective of a character to answer questions. This is in contrast to a situation when actors answered questions from their own perspective. It suggests that acting may involve the suppression of self-processing.

(Adapted from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)


According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self. This implies that theatre training may have a big impact on the fundamental mechanisms of the human brain. Researchers in this study worked in collaboration with Flute Theatre. They created and delivered interactive productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals and their families. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.

The team used wearable brain imaging technologies and physiological measurement devices. They were first introduced at UCL's Department of Biomedical Engineering. Both devices were used to evaluate the brain activity of actors as they rehearsed scenes from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is usually associated with self-awareness. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing several times over a week. Meanwhile, when the performers were not in acting conditions, they responded normally to hearing their own name.

According to the lead researcher, this is the first time that neuroscientists have been able to record brain activity in actors as they perform a role. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

(Adapted from https://www.sciencedaily.com)

46. According to Text 1, cognitive empathy or ToM ….

A. is an important skill for actors to supress themselves to create a new character

B. explores history, motivations, beliefs and values of a new character

C. enables actors to use several brain regions to be professional acting coaches

D. is a simulation implemented by actors to answer questions from others’ perspectives

E. deactivates an actor’s brain regions to process information contained within a script

Jawaban: A

47. The italicized word “They” in Text 2 Paragraph 1 refers to ….

A. actors

B. the fundamental mechanisms

C. researchers

D. interactive productions

E. autistic individuals

Jawaban: C

48. Which of the following sentences from Text 2 is an opinion?

A. According to a recent study, when actors take on a new character, they may be able to suppress their everyday self.

B. They used a series of sensory drama games, known as the Hunter Heartbeat Method.

C. The findings showed that when the actors heard their own name during the performance, their response was suppressed in the left anterior prefrontal cortex of the brain.

D. The same result was witnessed consistently in six actors who were tested when rehearsing several times over a week.

E. We hope that this study will help us understand what theatre training does to the brain and to build new connections between neuroscientists and theatre professionals.

Jawaban: E

49. The results of the evaluation of actors’ brain activity when performing a character can be found in ….

A. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 1

B. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 3

C. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 3

D. Text 1 Paragraph 2 and Text 2 Paragraph 4

E. Text 1 Paragraph 1 and Text 2 Paragraph 2

Jawaban: B

50. What is the relationship between Texts 1 and 2?

A. Text 1 argues the importance of using cognitive empathy for acting, which is criticized by Text 2.

B. Text 1 explains how the brain works when an actor performs a character and Text 2 compares the devices used in the study.

C. Both texts explain the mechanisms of the human brain, but they focus on different participants.

D. Text 1 explains that in the character-creation process, an actor suppresses their self-processing, and Text 2 further elaborates the brain mechanisms.

E. Texts 1 and 2 explain how creating and performing a new character using cognitive empathy can help actors to be more professional.

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Jawaban: D

51. (1) Sekarang olahraga sangat diminati semua kalangan, baik pria maupun wanita. (2)Oleh karena itu, sepakbola juga tidak hanya diminati oleh kalangan pria, tetapi juga wanita.(3)Akan tetapi, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di sekolah masih membuka kegiatan tersebut untuk pria (siswa). (4) Wanita (siswi) perlu diberi kesempatan juga agar ada kesetaraan antarsiswa. (5) Untuk itu, kerja sama sekolah dengan berbagai pihak perlu dilakukan.

Penulisan kata yang salah terdapat pada kalimat nomor ….

A. (1)

B. (2)

C. (3)

D. (4)

E. (5)

Jawaban: B

(1) Apa itu pendidikan karakter? (2) Pendidikan karakter adalah usaha yang disengaja untuk mendidik dan berkembangnya karakter pribadi peserta didik sehingga menjadi pribadi yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya dan lingkungannya. (3) Pendidikan karakter merupakan suatu sistem pendidikan yang bertujuan menanamkan nilai-nilai kepribadian tertentu kepada peserta didik, yang di dalamnya terdapat unsur-unsur pengetahuan, kesadaran, motivasi, dan perilaku untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai tersebut. (4) Secara umum, fungsi pendidikan ini adalah untuk membentuk karakter peserta didik agar menjadi orang yang bermoral dan berakhlak mulia, toleran, serta tangguh dan berkelakuan baik.(5) Pendidikan karakter erat kaitannya dengan pendidikan moral. (6) Oleh karena itu, pendidikan karakter ….

(Diadaptasi dari: https://buku.kompas.com)

52. Kata erat kaitannya dalam kalimat (5) seharusnya ….

A. dibiarkan saja (sudah benar)

B. diganti dengan berkaitan erat

C. diganti dengan berhubungan

D. didahului kata sangat

E. dihilangkan kata kaitannya

Jawaban: B

53. Kalimat (2) perlu disempurnakan dengan cara ….

A. mengganti kata adalah dengan yaitu

B. mengganti kata berkembangnya dengan mengembangkan

C. menghilangkan kata untuk

D. menambah kata dapat setelah kata sehingga

E. menambah kata sendiri setelah kata lingkungannya

Jawaban: B

54. Kata yang harus dihilangkan pada kalimat (4) adalah ….

A. secara umum

B. ini

C. untuk

D. yang

E. serta

Jawaban: C

55. Pernyataan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat (6) adalah ….

A. harus dibelajarkan di semua jenjang pendidikan

B. menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan

C. tidak dapat dibedakan dengan pendidikan moral

D. tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan pendidikan moral

E. merupakan bagian penting dari pendidikan moral

Jawaban: C

56. The writer of the passage intends to ...

A. Illustrate TikTok users' concerns about the app's recommendation system
B. Oppose the idea that TikTok has a sophisticated recommendation system
C. Warn the readers about TikTok’s poor recommendation system
D. Inform about the downsides of TikTok's recommendation system
E. Explain how TikTok resolves the recommendation system issue

Jawaban: D

Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.

The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than 350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.

57. Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?

A. Stricter environmental laws and changing consumer behavior have impacted how people buy hybrid vehicles.

B. Changing consumption patterns and stricter environmental laws have deceived hybrid vehicle buyers.

C. Hybrid vehicle users have been disappointed by environmental rules and eco-friendly vehicle trend.

D. Stricter environmental rules and changing market trends have urged people to use hybrid vehicles.

E. Consumer values and tougher environmental rules reduce the purchase of hybrid vehicles.

Jawaban: D

Read the following paragraph to answer question number 58-60

In the US, consumers spend around $700 million a year keeping their fabrics soft. In the UK people spend £200 million a year on fabric softener. A giant manufacturer even claims a massive 50 percent share of the market. Despite the popularity, fabric softeners can be harmful to both the people who use them and the marine life that ends up swimming in them.

Fabric softening surfactants can be derived from animals, plants or minerals, as in the case of newer, silicone-based formulations. There is little difference between the chemicals used in fabric softeners and those used in hair conditioners. Whatever they are based on, all fabric softeners work in pretty much the same way, by depositing these surfactants onto the fabric to make it feel softer, reduce static cling, and impart a fresh fragrance.

Special fixatives in the mix of both standard and luxury conditioners mean that the fragrance can last for days, permeating wardrobes and drawers. The regular off-gassing of perfume chemicals from fabric softeners can be a significant trigger for asthma and other breathing problems. In the US, chemically sensitive individuals complain that, even after several washes, they cannot get the smell of fabric softeners out of their washing machines and dryers.

If you are a fabric softener addict, there are now a number of companies that provide alternative and ‘green’ fabric softeners. However, essentially, these are unnecessary products that can trigger health problems and can interfere with the functional aspect of some textiles. For instance, when used on towels and nappies, some fabric softeners can reduce absorbency, which is why it’s generally recommended that reusable nappies aren’t washed with them. Once they are washed down the drain they can become highly toxic to aquatic life. Given this, maybe it’s worth asking yourself whether the time has come to break the fabric softener habit completely.

58. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The downside of fabric softener usage

B. The popularity of fabric softener in the US

C. Harmful compounds found in fabric softener

D. Controlling the habit of using fabric softener

E. Environmental issues caused by fabric softener

Jawaban: A

59. The word permeating in the third paragraph is similar in meaning with ….

A. Filling

B. Soaking

C. Charging

D. Attaining

E. Absorbing

Jawaban: A

60. Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that …

A. 'Green' softeners are developed in response to the needs of fabric softener addicts.

B. Manufactures will shift to producing 'green' fabric softener products.

C. A small amount of fabric softener chemicals in the water will not harm aquatic life.

D. The absorbency in some textiles will be reduced if they are washed with fabric softeners.

E. People with breathing problems will feel safer using fabric softener if it contains fewer perfume chemicals.

Jawaban: E

61. Udara yang kotor karena debu ataupun asap sisa pembakaran menyebabkan kadar oksigen berkurang sehingga sangat membahayakan kelangsungan hidup tiap organisme.

Inti dari kalimat tersebut adalah

A. Asap sisa pembakaran membahayakan
B. Udara kotor membahayakan
C. Asap menyebabkan oksigen
D. Udara kotor menyebabkan oksigen berkurang
E. Udara kotor berkurang Jawaban: D

Jawaban: C

62. Penyakit : Patologi = .... : Cuaca

a. Astronomi
b. Fisika
c. Metrologi
d. Meteorologi
e. Antropologi


63. Kompetisi : Kooperasi = .... : Rival

a. Lama
b. Musuh
c. Main
d. Kawan
e. Dagang

64. Potensial : Aktual = .... : yang akan datang

a. Dini
b. Lama
c. Mungkin
d. Kini
e. Pasti

65. Telur : Avoid = Dunia : ...

a. Spheroid
b. Android
c. Mongoloid
d. Jantan
e. Betina

66. Termometer : Temperature = Jam : ...

a. Dingin
b. Waktu
c. Arloji
d. Beku
e. Mendidih

67. Barisan (y – 2), 4, 9, ... merupakan barisan aritmetika.

Manakah dari tiga pernyataan berikut yang bernilai benar berdasarkan informasi di atas?

1) Nilai dari y adalah – 1
2) Suku pertama dari barisan tersebut adalah –1
3) Suku ke-7 dari barisan tersebut adalah 29

A. Semua pernyataan benar
B. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) SAJA yang benar
C. Pernyataan (2) dan (3) SAJA yang benar
D. Pernyataan (3) SAJA yang benar
E. Tidak ada pernyataan yang benar

Jawaban: C

68. Manakah dari tiga pernyataan berikut yang bernilai benar.

1. Jika x = 2, maka 2x^2– 4 = 0
2. Jika x = − 3, maka (x + 3)(x − 3) = −6
3. Jika x = 2, maka x + 2 = 2x

A. Semua pernyataan benar
B. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) SAJA yang benar
C. Pernyataan (2) dan (3) SAJA yang benar
D. Pernyataan (3) SAJA yang benar
E. Tidak ada pernyataan yang benar

Jawaban: D

69. Diketahui kubus ABCD.EFGH dengan rusuk 20 cm. Titik P dan Q berturut-turut terletak pada rusuk AB dan BC. Jika AP : PB = 2 : 3 dan , BQ : QP = 1 : 1, manakah dari tiga pernyataan berikut yang bernilai benar berdasarkan informasi di atas?

(1)Perbandingan segitiga PBQ dengan luas persegi ABCD adalah 3 : 10

(2)Perbandingan volume limas F.PBQ dan volume kubus ABCD.EFGH adalah 1 : 20

(3)Perbandingan AP dengan QC adalah 4 : 5

A. Semua pernyataan benar
B. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) SAJA yang benar
C. Pernyataan (2) dan (3) SAJA yang benar
D. Pernyataan (3) SAJA yang benar
E. Tidak ada pernyataan yang benar


70. Minyak A: 2 hari: 10 liter
Minyak B: 4 hari: 15 liter
Minyak C: x hari: 20 liter

Jika dari 3 minyak itu berturut-turut dikirim pada tanggal 8 April 2023 maka 120 hari dari tanggal 8 April 2023 dikirim berapa liter?

A. 380
B. 420
C. 430
D. 450
E. 500

Jawaban: D

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92.0 fm
98.0 fm
102.6 fm
93.3 fm
97.4 fm
98.9 fm
101.1 fm
96.7 fm
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91.3 fm
94.4 fm
102.1 fm
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95.9 fm
88.9 fm
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101.1 Mhz Fm
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