20 Contoh Soal Passive Voice Kelas 9 Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

5 Februari 2024 14:09 WIB
Ilustrasi soal bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi soal bahasa Inggris ( Pixabay)

3. “Mother cooks rendang in the kitchen”. The passive voice form of the sentence is?

A. Rendang was cooked by mother in the kitchen
B. Rendang were cooked by mother in the kitchen
C. Rendang is cooked by mother in the kitchen
D. Rendang are cooked by mother in the kitchen

Jawaban: C

4. The student - brought - was - English - book - by

Arrange into correct sentences?

A. The student brought English book by was
B. English book was the student by brought
C. English book was brought by the student
D. Book English by the student was brought

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 100 Contoh Verb Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

5. Listen to the conversation below.

Dian: Do you know where my pen is? Salsa: Your pen is being used by Dinda
Dian: May I borrow your pen?
Salsa: I’m sorry my pen has been lost

The passive voice in the dialog above is?

A. Do you know where my pen is?
B. Your pen is being used by John
C. May I borrow your pen?
D. I'm sorry my pen has been lost

Jawaban: B

6. “Kue dipanggang oleh ibu”. The passive voice form of the sentence is?

A. The cake was baked by mother
B. The cake was bake by mother
C. The cake was boiled by mother
D. The cake was boil by mother

Jawaban: A

7. “Artikel- artikel dikumpulkan oleh ayah”. The passive voice form of the sentence is?

A. Articles are collected by father
B. Articles are collect by father
C. Articles is collected by father
D. Articles is collect by father

Jawaban: A

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