Dongeng Putri Tidur Aurora Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

7 Februari 2024 14:00 WIB
Ilustrasi dongeng Putri Tidur Aurora Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi dongeng Putri Tidur Aurora Bahasa Inggris ( )

Sonora.ID - Artikel kali ini akan memaparkan dongeng Putri Tidur Aurora Bahasa Inggris yang sudah dilengkapi dengan terjemahan.

Dongeng menjadi salah satu karya sastra yang dapat dibacakan kepada buah hati sebelum terlelap di malam hari.

Ada banyak sekali dongeng terkenal hingga hari ini, salah satunya adalah dongeng tentang Aurora si Putri Tidur.

Berikut Sonora ID bagikan dongeng Putri Tidur Aurora Bahasa Inggris untuk dibacakan kepada sang buah hati.

Putri Tidur Aurora

Baca Juga: Dongeng Rapunzel Bahasa Inggris, Bisa Dibaca sebagai Pengantar Tidur

Long ago in a faraway land, a king and his fair queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

They named their daughter Aurora, for she filled their lives with light like the dawn.

Visitors from throughout the kingdom came to celebrate the birth of the princess, including the three good fairies, who arrived with gifts.

Waving their wands, Flora gave the princess the gift of beauty, while Fauna gave her the gift of song.

Merryweather was about to bestow her gift when the evil fairy Maleficent appeared in a flash of green fire.

She wanted to give the princess something, too – a terrible curse!

Before the sun set on her sixteenth birthday, Aurora would prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!

Luckily, Merryweather still had a gift to give. She cast her spell to soften Maleficent’s curse.

Now Aurora would not die when she pricked her finger. She would simply fall into a deep slumber, only to be awakened with True Love’s Kiss.

However, the king and his queen were still very concerned about the safety of their daughter.

And so with heavy hearts, they agreed that the three good fairies, disguised as peasant women, would raise the child in secret far away from the castle.

Over the years, the child grew into a beautiful young woman who made friends with all of the forest animals.

Her three aunties called her Briar Rose and surrounded her with love. But they never told her the secret of her past.

On the day of her sixteenth birthday, Briar Rose still did not know that she was a princess.

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