30 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes Polri 2024 dan Kunci Jawabannya

22 Mei 2024 16:03 WIB
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Sonora.ID - Soal bahasa Inggris tes Polri menjadi salah satu seleksi penerimaan Polri 2024.

Jika mampu menjawab soal bahasa Inggris tes Polri dan memenuhi nilai minimal, pesera secara otomatis melangkah ke tahapan selanjutnya.

Untuk memenuhi nilai minimal, para peserta harus belajar menjawab soal bahasa Inggris tes Polri.

Berikut ini 30 contoh soal bahasa Inggris tes Polri dan kunci jawabannya dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

1. Choose the correct sentence that uses the verb "to be" in the present continuous tense:

A. He is going to the store.
B. They are playing soccer.
C. She goes to school every day.
D. I will eat dinner later.

Jawaban: B

2. What is the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence?
"She ... to the radio every morning."

A. Listens
B. Is listening
C. Listened
D. Will listen

Jawaban: A

3. Which word is a synonym for "happy"?

A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Joyful
D. Tired

Jawaban: C

4. While living in Bogor, we always sent to school on foot. This means that we … on foot while we were living in Bogor

A. Used to go to school
B. Go to school
C. Are going to school
D. Are used to going to school

Jawaban: A

5. Anna: “Thank you for driving me home, Ben.”
Ben: “ …. “

A. Yes, please
B. No, thanks
C. You too
D. Not at all

Jawaban: D

6. It’s impossible for us to translate the whole book within 2 weeks, so we …

A. Have some assistants help us
B. Have to translate it all by ourselves
C. Have translated the whole book
D. Have been asked to translated it

Jawaban: A

7. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence:
"The book is ... the table."

A. On
B. At
C. In
D. Under

Jawaban: A

8. The officer advised the victim ... the emergency hotline if they need immediate assistance.

A. To call
B. Call
C. Calling
D. Called

Jawaban: A

9. "Can you please ... your identification card?" asked the police officer.

A. Show
B. To show
C. Showing
D. Showed

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