6 Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Bahasa Inggris untuk SD, SMP, SMA

27 Mei 2024 11:03 WIB
Ilustrasi pidato perpisahan bahasa Inggris.
Ilustrasi pidato perpisahan bahasa Inggris. ( Pixabay/Pexels)

Sonora.ID - Pidato perpisahan bahasa Inggris dapat disampaikan saat acara kelulusan sekolah.

Perwakilan siswa dapat menyampaikan pidato perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal dan terima kasih kepada guru dan teman.

Lewat pidato perpisahan, siswa juga dapat memberikan pesan dan kesan serta permintaan maaf.

Berikut ini 6 contoh pidato perpisahan bahasa Inggris untuk SD, SMP, dan SMA dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

  • Contoh pidato 1

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Dear Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teachers, and my beloved friends.

First of all, let us give praise and thanks to Allah Swt. for all the abundance of infinite gifts and favors. Selawat and salam are always poured out to the great Prophet Muhammad saw..

Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me to say a few words as a representative of the students who have completed the education program at this school.

With a heavy heart, we will leave this beloved school to go to the next level of education.

For several years of studying and being at this school, of course we have passed many things and we are very proud to be students of Mr. and Mrs. Teachers.

Our endless gratitude for all the knowledge that has been given to us and for the patience of Mr. and Mrs.

Even though we will no longer be students at this school, it does not mean that we will forget everything here. We will never forget the services of all the teachers.

Mr. Principal, teaching staff, and my beloved friends,

Before I end, on behalf of myself and as a representative of the students, I apologize to the Principal, the teachers, and all of you if there have been any mistakes in behavior or speech that have not pleased the teachers and all of you.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Baca Juga: 7 Teks MC Perpisahan Sekolah untuk SD, SMP, SMA dan Susunan Acaranya

  • Contoh pidato 2

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning,
The honorable Mr. Abdul Rahman as the principal of SDN 1 Karang Rejo,
The honorable Mrs. Susilawati as the vice principal,
The Honorable teachers,
And all my beloved friends.

First of all, let us pray praise and gratitude to Allah Swt. because he has given his grace, guidance, and health to us so that we could gather together this morning in the context of the farewell day ceremony of the sixth-grade student. And also let’s convey blessings and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad hopefully we can get his intercession later amen. Let me deliver a speech representing all sixth-grade students on this happy day.

Time passed by so quickly. Without realizing it, we had studied for six-year at this school. Lots of science and precious memories that we have obtained. The sad, happy, difficult, and convenience we have experienced together as a family. Now those memories are wrapped into our memory that we will remember until the end of our time.

Finally, our graduation day has arrived. It is a happy and sad day for us because soon we will leave this school. Therefore, I am here as a representative of my friend to congratulate all sixth-grade students and teachers on their achievements this time so that we all can graduate. And also we deliver enormous gratitude to our beloved teachers for all they have given to us. Indeed we can not reply. Only prayer that we can give to our teacher may you always be given health by God amen.

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