7 Contoh Surat Penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris, Sudah Lengkap dengan Struktur Penulisan

27 Februari 2023 14:40 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh surat penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi contoh surat penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris ( unsplash.com)

We hope to receive your reply soon.

Best regards,

Hendery Guaheng

Sales Manager

4. Contoh Surat Penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris IV

LBPP LINA English Course
Sudirman Industry Building, Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone: +6224
Email: info@

 Jakarta, 17th September 2021

Number: A0121
Appendix: 1 Pricelist
Mrs. Andri Kusuma
Headmaster of Brave High School
Jasmine Street No. 1236, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Mr. Kusuma,

We are LBPP LINA, engaged in English course and trainig. We would like to offer you some courses for your students, parents and the school’s employees. We provide various courses from kindergarten to high school, for TOEFL praperation as well as conversation classes.

We are a superbrand company in the education industry and had won several awards. The quality of our courses and trainings is the finest and with an affordable prizes. We offer special prices fro your school with a cash-back guarantee. The details is available in the price list attached to this letter.

LBPP LINA would like to have one your cooperation with your school. We have some interesting programs that we would like to offer your school and the people in it. We believe that English can benefit everyone in the long term.

We are very greateful you can look into them and get back to us. If you need further information or want to order, we will give you a 25% discount for the purchase on this month only. Please contact our Public Relation Mrs Ariesta at +6224 12314321XXX.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Nurul Al-Alaydrus

5. Contoh Surat Penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris V

Malang, 25th February 2023

Mr. Galih Samudra

Operational Manager of Open Book Store

Rajawali St. No. 46, Semarang

Central Java

Dear Mr. Samudra,

We are a big company that engages in book printing and collaborates with many reputable companies across the nation. We want to offer collaboration with your company.

According to the information that we got, Open Book Store is needing the latest printed books supply. Therefore, we intend to become the book supplier for your store. Also, we can offer affordable prices with a cash-back guarantee. The product list is available with the price list in the appendix attached.

We hope you are interested in our proposal and waiting for your call for further discussion.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regard,

Satang Sianipar

Sales Manager

6. Contoh Surat Penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris VI

Baca Juga: 12 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja via Email yang Baik dan Benar, Cocok Jadi Referensi

Luna Adira

Araya Residence

Malang, East Java

Dear Mrs. Adira,

We know it’s hard to make sure your family has a healthy lunch while you are also busy with work. Delivery service is everywhere, but not all of them are good to consume every day. For only Rp300.000 – Rp500.000 you can already make sure 4 of your family members get nutritious meals delivered to them for 5 – 7 days. You’ll love what we do, because:

  • We have a lot of menus you can choose for each person each day
  • We deliver all the lunch boxed to everyone everywhere they are in the city, starting at 12
  • Our staff will notify you after each of your family members receive the food
  • We also give free juice or milk boxes for kids

One of our customers says, “I don’t have to bother myself thinking about my family lunch anymore because of Creative Lunch.”

Our other customer says, “I can’t believe it is that easy to make sure my kids have some delicious yet healthy food for lunch even when I’m away!”

Call us at +6224 452XXX or email us at info@creativelunch.com to get our catalog menu and your first try. No more worrying about your family’s lunch!

P.S. Get 10% off for your first order!


Alya Madina

Sales Manager

7. Contoh Surat Penawaran dalam Bahasa Inggris VII

May 4th 2013

To: New York Broadway Ent,

Show and EO Dept.,

New York, U.S.A

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your interest with our show with SNSI Girl Group which shown in your email dated April 28th 2013.

We have a vast variety of show, and the girl group will available from date September until October. We would like to discuss the show with your company.

We earnestly feel that it shall be good for both the companies if you or any authorised person from your Show and EO Dept visit our company for an on-the-spot assessment.

We shall be glad to receive him to view our schedule and production show method.

Yours faithfully,

Won Bin

Overseas Show Manager

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