20 Contoh Soal Literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT dengan Kunci Jawaban

12 April 2023 16:00 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT
Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT ( )

B. Exorbitant

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C. Invaluable

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

D. Overpriced

E. Economical

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 11 Kata-Kata Bijak Selesai Wisuda, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris

Read the following paragraphs to answer questions number 8-10


You’ve been working and saving for decades for just this moment: retirement. Even though you may be ready to stop working full-time, now comes the hard part: letting yourself use your savings, since you no longer will be bringing in that paycheck, which until now has covered your monthly expenses. Making the psychological shift from saver to spender is no small effort for most people.

“Now you have this lump sum and have to draw it down. For some it’s almost physically painful,” said David John, a senior strategic policy advisor. Unpredictable factors like market performance, life expectancy and health issues make spending your money easier said than done. That’s why people may be hesitant to tap their savings because they think, “I have X dollars and it has to last me my whole life, but I have a very uncertain future. So, if I touch that I’m putting myself at risk.”

Research shows that among retirees with savings, many do not draw down very much, choosing instead to live off fixed sources of funds, such as Social Security or pensions or income from part-time work they take up. A study found that the vast majority of retirees in America still have at least 80% of their savings after two decades in retirement. No doubt this is partly because they are among the last generation of workers to benefit from corporate pensions.

The psychological reluctance to tap one’s savings is a factor for most people regardless of their financial condition. It may become more acute for soon-to-be retirees as they face inflation, unstable markets and a lack of pensions, John said. They’re trying to figure out who they are now that their primary career is over and figuring out what they can and can’t do financially


It’s hard to manage your money well in retirement unless you’re realistic about what you have. The first thing to do is to make a budget and sketch out a plan to cover your expenses.

Before retiring, keep track of your spending and regular expenses, like housing, food, health care, etc. Then assess how those expenses might change in retirement (e.g., if you plan to move to a less expensive home or area; and if your insurance costs will be subsidized by your old employer).

You should also consider paying for a child’s wedding, buying a car, or taking a major vacation. Then assess what fixed income you will have come in (e.g., Social Security or pension payments). The difference between your expected spending and your fixed income is the amount you will need to draw from your savings.

It would also help to consult with a professional. A financial advisor can help you strategize how to manage and use your money in the years ahead. The one common feeling is that people say they are overwhelmed with all the choices they need to make to live off their savings in retirement. With the different types of accounts many have, the potential for penalties and higher taxes if withdrawals are taken incorrectly and sorting out how their investments may need to shift for retirement income, it can be a lot for a new retiree to get their head around.

8. What is the main idea of Text 1?

A. Life uncertainty is happening among newly retired people in America.

B. There are some reasons why retirees use their savings.

C. The retirees’ financial condition affects how much they are willing to spend their savings.

D. Most retirees in America do not use their savings a lot in retirement.

E. How the newly retired people spend their savings is quite similar.

Jawaban: D

9. Which of the following best restates the second sentence in Paragraph 1 in Text 2?

A. Covering all costs is the first thing to plan in relation to budget expenses.

B. Preparing a budget and drafting a plan of your costs is the first thing you should carry out.

C. Planning and calculating the budget expenses is the first thing to be carried out.

D. Drafting your plan that includes your costs should be done first to prepare a good budget.

E. Budgeting and planning should be prepared first to be able to pay your costs.

Jawaban: B

10. The purpose of Text 2 is to .

A. provide advice for newly retired people on how to manage their money in retirement.

B. explain the process of managing your expenses during retirement

C. explain how to get a professional financial advisor to manage your savings after you retire

D. discuss what newly retired people should do to monitor their expenses

E. argue which investment is the best for retirement income.

Jawaban: A

TikTok is often applauded for its recommendation system; once it’s finely tuned, the app becomes one of the best scrolling experiences. My personal theory is that’s why TikTok is so addicting—everything is so perfectly curated to your specific interests, it’s hard to put the phone down once you’re sucked in. However, TikTok’s recommendation algorithm still has its own flaws that the company brings up in its new blog post.

“One of the inherent challenges with recommendation engines is that they can inadvertently limit user experience–what is sometimes referred to as a ‘filter bubble’,” the post reads. It states that by optimizing for personalization and relevance, there is a risk of presenting an increasingly homogenous stream of videos.

Another issue that TikTok takes seriously is not surfacing dangerous content. This is an issue that YouTube in particular has faced criticism over for many years. According to TikTok, content that has graphic material like medical procedures or “legal consumption of regulated goods,” like alcohol, may not be eligible for recommendation because it could come across as “shocking if surfaced as a recommended video to a general audience”. That’s why many creators on TikTok will upload a video more than once or talk openly about feeling shadow banned over particular content.

11. The writer of the passage intends to ...

A. Illustrate TikTok users' concerns about the app's recommendation system
B. Oppose the idea that TikTok has a sophisticated recommendation system
C. Warn the readers about TikTok’s poor recommendation system
D. Inform about the downsides of TikTok's recommendation system
E. Explain how TikTok resolves the recommendation system issue

Jawaban: D

Supply chain weaknesses were brought to the forefront during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for industries relying on electronics, as the flow of raw materials slowed or sometimes stopped. On top of that, shifting consumer values and tougher environmental regulations have resulted in more people buying hybrid vehicles. The batteries in these cars require rare metals that, depending on their supplies, can have volatile and unpredictable prices. However, there are other scarce elements and materials that may be used in smaller amounts in hybrid models versus conventional gas vehicles, raising the question of how these vehicles really compare with regard to supply chain vulnerabilities. Randolph Kirchain and colleagues wanted to develop a comprehensive comparison of the elements and compounds that go into all the parts in gas-powered, self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars, calculating each of the three vehicles' materials cost vulnerability.

The researchers collected information on the compounds in the more than 350,000 parts used to build seven vehicles from the same manufacturer with different levels of electrification, including four sedans and three sport utility vehicles (SUVs). Then, they calculated the amount of the 76 chemical elements present, as well as a few other materials, in each car type. To develop a monetary metric for vulnerability, the team considered the weight of each component, along with its average price and price volatility between 1998 and 2015. The results showed that self-charging hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles have twice the raw material cost risks. The largest contributors to the increase in cost risks were battery-related elements, such as cobalt, nickel, graphite and neodymium. The researchers say that as manufacturers ramp up electric vehicle production to meet demand, reducing raw material cost risks with long-term supplier contracts, substituting some materials or recycling others will be a good idea.

12. Which of the following best restates the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

A. Stricter environmental laws and changing consumer behavior have impacted how people buy hybrid vehicles.

B. Changing consumption patterns and stricter environmental laws have deceived hybrid vehicle

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

C. Hybrid vehicle users have been disappointed by environmental rules and eco-friendly vehicle trend.

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

D. Stricter environmental rules and changing market trends have urged people to use hybrid vehicles.

Ilustrasi contoh soal literasi Bahasa Inggris UTBK SNBT

E. Consumer values and tougher environmental rules reduce the purchase of hybrid vehicles.

Jawaban: D

Read the following paragraph to answer question number 13-15

In the US, consumers spend around $700 million a year keeping their fabrics soft. In the UK people spend £200 million a year on fabric softener. A giant manufacturer even claims a massive 50 percent share of the market. Despite the popularity, fabric softeners can be harmful to both the people who use them and the marine life that ends up swimming in them.

Fabric softening surfactants can be derived from animals, plants or minerals, as in the case of newer, silicone-based formulations. There is little difference between the chemicals used in fabric softeners and those used in hair conditioners. Whatever they are based on, all fabric softeners work in pretty much the same way, by depositing these surfactants onto the fabric to make it feel softer, reduce static cling, and impart a fresh fragrance.

Special fixatives in the mix of both standard and luxury conditioners mean that the fragrance can last for days, permeating wardrobes and drawers. The regular off-gassing of perfume chemicals from fabric softeners can be a significant trigger for asthma and other breathing problems. In the US, chemically sensitive individuals complain that, even after several washes, they cannot get the smell of fabric softeners out of their washing machines and dryers.

If you are a fabric softener addict, there are now a number of companies that provide alternative and ‘green’ fabric softeners. However, essentially, these are unnecessary products that can trigger health problems and can interfere with the functional aspect of some textiles. For instance, when used on towels and nappies, some fabric softeners can reduce absorbency, which is why it’s generally recommended that reusable nappies aren’t washed with them. Once they are washed down the drain they can become highly toxic to aquatic life. Given this, maybe it’s worth asking yourself whether the time has come to break the fabric softener habit completely.

13. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The downside of fabric softener usage

B. The popularity of fabric softener in the US

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