40 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2, Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

29 Mei 2023 15:15 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2
Ilustrasi contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 ( freepik.com)

19. Where is the living room?

A. On the first floor 
B. On the basement
C. On the ground floor
D. On the second floor

20. Why does he like to be in the attic?

A. Because it is very spacious and there is a big sofa there where he sometimes take a nap.
B. Because there are two swings and he sometimes play there.
C. Because there is a lovely garden
D. because it is very spacious and his parents keep washing machine there.

Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

21. Raffi: "which one is your pencil?"
Andi: ......

A. the blue one with two doors
B. the blue one with white tiles
C. the blue one with white stripes
D. the blue one with orange roofs

22. Baim: the music is too loud. Please turn ..... the volume so that I can have more concentration
Wongso: I'm sorry, I will do it then.
A. out 

B. in

C. down

D. up

Read the text below to answer questions 23-25

My Cute "White" 

Hello everybody! My name is Dani. I live in a small village. I have a pet. His name is White. It is a rabbit. His fur is white and has black spots. It has long ears and a short tail. He also has big eyes. My rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables. I bring White to a veterinarian when he does not look well. I love White very much.

23. How do White’s eyes look like?

A. Cute
B. Small
C. Long
D. Big

24. What does White eat?

A. Rice and fish 
B. Carrot and other vegetables
C. Fruits and vegetables
D. Meat

25. When does the writer take White to the veterinarian?

A. When she wants to do checkup. 
B. When her mother asks her to.
C. When she has some money.
D. When White is not healthy.

26. Miss Michel is a flight attendant. She takes care of ....

A. patients
B. passengers
C. fields
D. animals

27. Mr. Arnold is a chef. He cooks food at a ....

A. hospital
B. restaurant
C. plane
D. shop

28. Marco: What fruits do you like?
Lilly: ....

A. I like soup very much
B. I like pizza
C. Yes, I do. I like fruits
D. I like apples and oranges

29. Cherille: How do you record on this tape recorder, Tom?
Tom: Just ... the record button and then speak into the microphone.

A. pull
B. dial
C. plug
D. push

30. Dewi: ... me that eraser, please.

Edo: This eraser? Here you are.

Dewi: Thanks.

A. Pass
B. Put
C. Borrow
D. Throw

31. You can put the food in the . . . .to keep it fresh and cold.

A. Microwave
B. Refrigerator
C. Stove
D. Rice Cooker

32. My classmate always smiles and has many friends. She is . . . . .

A. Clumsy
B. Healthy
C. Friendly
D. Lazy

Read the text below to answer questions 33-35

I have three favorite candies. the first is Yuni jelly candy. This candy feels chewy and not too sweet. the second is Tamanzela tamarind flavor candy. This candy has a fresh sour taste. This candy effectively relieves nausea. The last is Kokkopi coffee candy. This one is an effective medicine to cure drowsiness.


33. Yuppy jelly candy is .....
A. hard

B. heavy

C. chewy

D. too sweet

34. Tamanzela candy has a fresh ..... taste.
A. milk

B. cola

C. coffee

D. sour

35. The medicine to cure drowsiness is ..... candy.
A. kokkopi

B. tamanzela

C. yuni

D. cokacoke

Read the text below to answer questions 36-40

Demis Roussos:


Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain

How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game


Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown

For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game

36. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?
A. The writer’s lover treats him well.
B. The writer’s love often expresses her sadness
C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.

37. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”. The phrase “my heart there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer .....

A. will feel sure in his heart
B. will always feel sad
C. will have his heart be with bright life
D. will feel so faithless all the time

38. The word “rain” in this song refers to .....

A. autumn time

B. spring time

C. wintertime

D. summertime

39. What is theme of the song above?

A. rain and tears

B. rain

C. summer

D. winter

40. Who is the singer?

A. Demis Roussos

B. Jasson Mraz

C. Ariana Grande

D. Rain and Tears

Kunci Jawaban

Baca Juga: 60 Contoh Kalimat Active dan Passive Voice dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Arti

1. D

2. C

3. A 

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. A

11. B

12. B

13. D

14. C

15. D

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. C

20. A

21. D

22. D

23. D

24. B

25. B

26. B

27. B

28. D

29. D

30. A

31. B

32. C

33. C

34. D

35. A

36. B

37. B

38. C

39. A

40. A

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