Cerita Rakyat Danau Toba Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya, Singkat!

23 Januari 2024 16:45 WIB
Cerita rakyat Danau Toba bahasa Inggris dan artinya.
Cerita rakyat Danau Toba bahasa Inggris dan artinya. ( Pixabay/12019)

The condition is that whatever happens when their child is born, Toba must not even call their child "fish child". No matter how angry Toba is with his child, he cannot scold his child by mentioning his mother's origins. Toba agreed to these terms. The child was finally born. It turned out that his wife gave birth to a boy. Toba was very happy with the birth of his first child and gave his child the name Samosir.

Samosir grew up to be a healthy child. Unfortunately, Samosir is a little lazy. Even when asked by his mother to deliver food to his father's field, Samosir often refused. Until one day, Samosir was forced by his mother to deliver lunch to his father. With a lazy face and walking reluctantly, he went to the fields. On the way, Samosir felt very hungry and he decided to stop for a moment to eat the provisions he had brought. Even though the food was actually for the father.

Samosir did not finish the food. He still left a little for his father. Then when he arrived at the field, Samosir gave the leftover food to his father. Toba, who was tired from working since morning and felt very hungry, finally opened the lunch box that Samosir had brought. How shocked and angry Toba was when he saw that his lunch was just leftovers and little food.

Samosir also explained that on the way to the fields, he felt very hungry so he decided to eat his father's food. Toba, who was hungry and couldn't control his emotions, finally got angry at Samosir and said, "You little fish child!"

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Samosir, who heard Toba's words, was very surprised by his father's words. He ran home crying. When he got home, Samosir told him about what his father had said. Toba's wife was certainly very sad and disappointed because her husband had broken the required promise.

A few moments later, Samosir and his mother disappeared. Then the ground that Toba was standing on gushed out large amounts of water to form a lake. The lake is named Lake Toba. Then the small island in the middle which is believed to be where Samosir and his mother disappeared was named Samosir Island. In this lake it is also believed that a magical gold fish lives which is the incarnation of Toba's wife.

Arti Cerita Rakyat Danau Toba dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kisah tentang legenda Danau Toba ini bermula dari seorang pemuda yatim piatu bernama Toba yang hidup di Sumatera Utara. Ia merupakan seorang petani ladang dan terkadang mencari ikan di sungai dekat rumahnya untuk dijual di pasar.

Suatu hari, ia memancing ikan di sungai dan tak beberapa lama kemudian mata kail alat pancingnya dimakan ikan. Benar saja, Toba menangkap ikan emas berukuran besar dan kemudian membawa ikan itu pulang.

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