40 Contoh Soal Personal Letter Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya

24 Januari 2024 16:10 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal personal letter.
Ilustrasi contoh soal personal letter. ( Pexels)

Jawaban: A

18. “I commend each of you for your achievements” The synonym of the word “commend” is ….

A. Improve
B. Increase
C. Enjoy
D. Effort
E. Praise

Jawaban: E

Baca Juga: 30 Ucapan Terima Kasih untuk Sahabat Bahasa Inggris Menyentuh Hati

Contoh soal personal letter 8 untuk soal nomor 19-23.

Kupang, April 2, 2018
Dear Paula,

Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since l last heard from you. Well l just wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week. According to the doctor l was infected by dengue fever.

At first, I felt my body became weak then fainted when was studying in the classroom. Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.

At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave some treatments. Finally, l had to stay there for one week. Everyday the doctor kept me on a drip. At the seventh day, my condition was getting better.

After the final check, the doctor gave me permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am now more careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to get the same illness again.

OK, think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?


19. What is the topic of the letter above?

A. Getting Fever
B. Went to hospital
C. The doctor recipe
D. In hospital
E. Sickness

Jawaban: A

20. What did the writer do when she felt her body became weak?

A. She bought medicine
B. She consumed the medicine
C. She took a rest all day
D. She went to hospital
E. She does nothing

Jawaban: D

21. What was the disease that she got?
A. Stomach
B. Toothache
C. Dengue Fever
D. Sorethroat
E. Influenza

Jawaban: C

22. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?

A. She got high fever
B. She got diarrhea
C. She got headache
D. She got broken bones
E. She got toothache

Jawaban: A

23. How long she was taken care in the hospital?

A. Four days
B. Five days
C. Six days
D. Eight days
E. Seven days

Jawaban: E

Contoh soal personal letter 9 untuk soal nomor 24-26.

Dear Aunt Nia

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I succeeded to join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents promised to send me to a famous English course in my town.

They also promised me if my scores in English are good, they’ll send me to a foreign university. Great, isn’t it? I’ll work hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like you, Aunty.

Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.


24. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform some good news
B. To describe the writer’s school
C. To retell the writer’s experience
D. To entertain the reader with a joke
E. To pursuade her aunt

Jawaban: A

25. What did ‘s parents promise her?

A. To make her a pediatrician
B. To send her to an English course
C. To send her to a senior high school
D. To make her pass the final examination
E. To meer her to her aunt

Jawaban: B

26. How does Debby feel?

A. Glad
B. Scared
C. Anxious
D. Worried
E. Bored

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 18 Contoh Kalimat Giving Suggestion Beserta Pengertianya

Contoh soal personal letter 10 untuk soal nomor 27-29.

Dear Sherly,

I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogja. I just got back from Borobudur, the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro.

We are treated well here. It has many excellent staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a short nap. We want to enjoy having “lesehan” there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground.

Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenirs. Don’t worry, I’ll also buy you the most interesting one.


27. How do the staff serve the customers of the hotel?

A. Proudly
B. Badly
C. Interestingly
D. Nicely
E. Lazily

Jawaban: D

28. The text gives us information about?

A. The wonderful Borobudur temple
B. The souvenirs to be bought
C. Mira’s last day in Jogja
D. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro
E. A planning to have vacation in Jogja

Jawaban: C

29. Who is the letter from?

A. Customers
B. The hotel staffs
C. Sherly
D. Mira
E. Hotel custome

Jawaban: D

Contoh soal personal letter 11 untuk soal nomor 30-31.

Ubud, 7th April 2007

Dear Tamara,

Hi there. How are things with you? It’s good to know that you are doing fine in business. Have you received my postcard?

I am now sitting in my hotel room writing a letter to you about my wonderful holiday. I think this is the most wonderful holiday have I ever had. There are a lot of interesting tourist objects to visit, beautiful local art and craft, tasty traditional food, and much more. It’s Thursday today. I can’t believe this my last day. I wish I could spend more time here. I am certain I will stay longer on my next visit.

I’ll be home about 3 p.m. tomorrow if the flight is on time. On Monday I must go back to work. I can’t wait to show my video to my class.
Okay, that’s all for now. Send my love to your children.

Best wishes from,

30. The letter tells us about?

A. Linda’s holiday in Bali
B. Tamara’s letter
C. Linda’s favorite places
D. Tamara’s plan for Bali
E. Tamara’s video documents

Jawaban: A

31. On what day Linda going to arrive home?

A. Thursday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
E. Monday

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: 24 Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Nominal Beserta Rumusnya

Contoh soal personal letter 12 untuk soal nomor 32-36.

Malang, 28 April 2017

Jendral Sudirman Street, Jakarta

Dear Kania,

How are you? I hope you are doing okay and healthy. I miss you so much, Kania. Sorry for not writing you letter for past few months ago. I had lots of things to do in my new school such as doing homework and joining extracurricular activities. Let’s meet each other during this school holiday. We can enjoy our time together and play all day. Let’s make a plan to enjoy our holiday together! Be good in your school so we can graduate together. See you soon Kania.



32. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?

A. Relatives
B. Employers
C. Friends
D. Siblings
E. Employees

Answer: C

33. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform some good news
B. To describe the writer’s school
C. To retell the writer’s experience
D. To entertain the reader with a joke
E. To persuade Kania for making plan for holiday

Answer: E

34. Why hasn’t Indah written a letter to Kania for so long?

A. Because she was busy getting settled
B. Because she enjoyed living in an apartment
C. Because she was reluctant
D. Because she had lots of things to do in her new school
E. Because she lived in an apartment

Answer: D

35. The letter shows about?

A. Spending school holiday together
B. Happiness someone who meet her friends soon
C. The poor students in summer vacation
D. How to finished summer vacation
E. Missing old friend in summer

Answer: A

36. What is Indah do in her new school?

A. She is getting a nice tan
B. Doing homework and joining extracurricular activities
C. Spend her time with working
D. Playing lots of volleyball and surfing
E. Spending holiday alone

Answer: B

Baca Juga: Perbedaan But dan However dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimat

Contoh soal personal letter 13 untuk soal nomor 37-40.

Dear Ryan,

Hello! How are you? I received your letter today. I am very excited to hear that you are coming to stay with me for the holidays. I am sure we will have a lot of fun together.

My parents have agreed to let you stay with me. They offered to pick you up at the airport. All you have to do is to tell us when you are coming.

I will now tell you about some of the things you will experience here in Indonesia. You do not have to worry about the local spicy food. We have a lot of fast food restaurants here like the ones you have in New York.

You can also shop for souvenirs to bring home. Sarinah or Blok M are our famous shopping areas. They have many shops selling all kinds of things. I am sure you will love them.

I am also planning to take you to a few tourist spots like miniature Indonesia, National monument, or Safari Garden. We can also go to the Ancol beach where you can swim, play on the beach, and have picnics.

My family and I are looking forward to your coming. I hope to hear from you soon. Good bye.

With love.


37. What is the letter about?

A. Planning to stay and do some activities in Indonesia during holiday.
B. Buying in the fast food restaurant and shopping at Sarinah.
C. Going to buy souvenirs and going to tourist spots.
D. Planning to stay in Indonesia for the holidays.
E. Picking up at the airport when he comes.

Jawaban: A

38. What will probably Ryan buy for his lunch while he is in Indonesia?

A. Mixed vegetables with peanut chili sauce.
B. Spicy food with chili sauce.
C. Soup with hot black pepper.
D. Satay with hot pepper.
E. Non spicy food.

Jawaban: E

39. Where does Anton plan to take Ryan when he arrives in Indonesia?

A. Safari Garden
B. Kota Tua
C. National Museum
D. Dufan
E. Tanah Abang

Jawaban: A

40. Which shopping area does Anton recommend for Ryan?

A. Tanah Abang
B. Kota Tua
C. Blok M
D. Grand Indonesia
E. Pasar Senen

Jawaban: C

Demikian 40 contoh soal personal letter dan kunci jawaban yang dapat menjadi referensi.

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