20 Contoh Interview Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Beserta Jawabannya

20 Februari 2023 13:10 WIB
20 Contoh Interview Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Beserta Jawabannya
20 Contoh Interview Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap Beserta Jawabannya ( unsplash.com)

Much of product development is about finding innovative solutions to challenging issues, which is what drew me to this career path in the first place.

7. What is your greatest weakness?

Arti: Apa kekurangan terbesarmu?

Contoh jawaban:

My greatest weakness is I often lose focus when I am occupied with so many tasks. To overcome this, I came up with a to-do list and time-management system that allows me to organize all my tasks.

8. Do you find it difficult to adapt to new situations?

Arti: Apakah kamu kesulitan untuk beradaptasi di situasi yang baru?

Contoh jawaban:

Adaptation is not easy. Of course I will find it difficult to adapt at the beginning.

Based on previous experience, I feel like I’m starting to adapt after working for 1 week.

Baca Juga: Contoh Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Diri yang Dikatakan Saat Interview

9. How do you manage stress and pressure?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu mengatur stres dan tekanan?

Contoh jawaban:

My first step in managing stress is to try to circumvent it by keeping my work processes very organized, and my attitude professional.

I also break down my projects into smaller tasks. I make a list of action items with reasonable deadlines.

10. How do you prioritize work?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu memprioritaskan pekerjaan?

Contoh jawaban:

I always see work from two things: urgency and importance. From those consideration, I will always start doing work that is urgent and important, then urgent, important, and work that is not in both.

I also equip my phone with the Trello app which has been helping me work for a while.

11. What is your greatest accomplishment?

Arti: Apa pencapaian terbesarmu?

Contoh jawaban:

In my last role, I managed all social media content. I noticed other brands were experimenting with videos and getting great engagement.

So, I asked my boss if we could do a low-budget test. She agreed and I produced a video.

Then, we found that the conversions increased by 40%, which is a large number.

Baca Juga: Doa agar Diterima Kerja, Baca Sebelum atau Setelah Interview

12. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu melihat dirimu lima tahun ke depan?

Pastikan pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini dan jawabannya relevan dengan pekerjaan yang kamu lamar.

Contoh jawaban:

I’m really excited by this position at ABC Company because in five years, I’d like to be seen as someone with deep expertise in product development, and I know that’s something that I’ll have an opportunity to do here.

I’m also really excited to take on more managerial responsibilities in the next few years and potentially even take the lead on some projects.

13. What is your dream job?

Arti: Apa pekerjaan impianmu?

Contoh jawaban:

I’ve been interested in the content industry. That, combined with my interest in traveling and foods, is my dream job to be a travel writer that takes readers around the world with me.

14. Why did you leave your previous job?

Arti: Mengapa kamu meninggalkan pekerjaan sebelumnya?

Kamu harus berhati-hati pada pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini dan jawabannya.

Meski kamu memiliki alasan negatif tertentu yang berkaitan dengan perusahaan, berusahalah menjawab senetral mungkin.

Jangan sampai kamu justru menjelek-jelekkan perusahaan sebelumnya, ya.

Contoh jawaban:

I was very fortunate to be hired by ABC Company. They taught me a lot about digital marketing, and it’s been stimulating to work as a contributor to their creative teams.

However, I’m ready for the next step. Meanwhile, they already have a good digital marketing manager. Then, I see myself can hit the ground running as your next digital marketing manager.

15. What kind of work environment do you like best?

Arti: Lingkungan kerja seperti apa yang paling kamu sukai?

Contoh jawaban:

I’ve really thrived in more collaborative environments.

I prefer a setting where everyone’s input is taken into consideration because I believe approaching any project with a range of perspectives is better in the long run.

Baca Juga: Contoh Jawaban tentang Ceritakan Diri Anda Saat Interview Kerja

17.  How do you handle conflict at work?

Arti: Bagaimana kamu mengatasi konflik dalam pekerjaan?

Contoh jawaban:

Conflict is inevitable when a company works hard to get things done.

When it happens, I try to listen and understand others’ point of view. I try to make a discussion and not be defensive.

I’m sure that we will find the best solution if we have the same purpose.

18.  Tell me about a time you failed

Arti: Ceritakan tentang peristiwa kegagalanmu.

Dalam pertanyaan interview bahasa Inggris yang satu ini, kamu bisa menceritakan pengalamanmu gagal.

Tak hanya itu, kamu bisa melengkapinya dengan pemahamanmu soal kegagalan dan bagaimana caramu bangkit.

Contoh jawaban:

I once handled a startup company’s campaign project. I poured all my heart to the project.

But, there was a miscommunication between us. When I presented my draft, they didn’t like it.

They asked me to make a new draft. After we had a long discussion, I could finally make a project that they liked a lot.

19. What are your salary expectations?

Arti: Berapa gaji yang diharapkan?

Pertanyaan ini pasti ada dalam interview bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Kamu membutuhkan strategi khusus dalam menjawabnya.

Contoh jawaban: 

My salary expectation is between RpX – RpY, which is the average salary for a candidate with my level of experience in this city.

However, we can discuss more about this.

20.  Why should we hire you?

Arti: Mengapa kami harus merekrutmu?

Contoh jawaban:

My experience is almost perfectly aligned with the requirements you asked for in your job listing.

I have five years’ progressive experience in the accounting industry, advancing from my initial role as a junior accountant to my previous position as a senior accountant.

I pride myself on my ability to prepare financial reports, perform account reconciliations, and also build a reliable team. So, I will also do it in your company.

Baca Juga: Daftar Pertanyaan Interview Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Jawabannya, Kiat Sukses Diterima Kerja

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