Mengenal Explanation Text: Pengertian, Struktur, dan Contohnya

27 Juli 2023 14:45 WIB
Ilustrasi Explanation Text
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How Does Rain Happen

We all know that rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. Rain is water that descends from the sky through several processes until the rain occurs. Do you know how does rain happens?

The phenomenon of rain is actually a water circle. The concept of a water circle includes the sun heating the Earth’s water surface and causing the water surface to evaporate. Earth’s water includes water from lakes, rivers, and oceans. Then, the water vapor experiences condensation and becomes condensed vapor. Condensed vapor is formed from droplets so that when the air temperature is higher, it makes the droplets gather, condensed, and formed into clouds. The presence of winds helps clouds move and gather in other places that have lower temperatures. At that time, the droplets become heavier and unstoppable and cause the droplets to fall so that there is rain.

If the droplets drop in an area with very cold temperatures, the droplets will drop as snow. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporate while falling through dry air. This is called Virga, a phenomenon that is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

3. Explanation Text III

How is Snow Made?

We all agree that the snowfall is always fascinating. In the snowfall, all people stay out of the house and play with the snow. People can make giant snowmen, trample along the snow, or play with snowballs with their families. However, are you curious about how snow is made?

Snow is water droplets falling from the clouds. These droplet waters then become solid and create snow. It happens because rain consists of water vapor particles being cooled in the air.

Snow happens when water vapor piled up in the earth’s atmosphere freezes. It happens before they turn into water droplets. This process occurs when the temperature in the cloud becomes very frigid.

Snowflakes are created by crystals of ice that have established around a little filth in the air. They then grow from small forms into big one. The form of snowflakes is varied. They can consist of 200 crystals maximum.

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