5 Contoh Hortatory Exposition beserta Strukturnya Beragam Tema

22 September 2022 11:26 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya.
Ilustrasi contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya. ( Pixabay/RachH)

Ask people what they actually think of the media and immediately you'll get negative statements about the "silly box" or the "rubbish magazine" available. However, the media, including the radio, is not all bad. In fact, it would be fair to say that the media could also help you learn English.

Let's begin with television. Most films and soap operas which are shown on television are in English. These are, of course, subtitled. However, by listening carefully to a film, you can pick up new vocabulary, listen to a variety of accent or reinforce what you already know.

When it comes to things like international fashion, music and sport, most of the information can be found in magazines published in English, If you want to be up-to-date and improve your English at the same time, all you have to do is buy these publications.

Well, what about the radio? It's widely known that many people, including teenagers, listen to radio stations that play songs in English. This is good listening practice, as they are in contact with the language. It can also help you improve your pronunciation.

These are only a few of the ways the media can help with English language learning. The good thing is that you can have fun at the same time.

Baca Juga: 5 Contoh News Item Text dan Artinya, Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

5. Hortatory Exposition tentang Ekstrakurikuler

Extracurricular activities are non-subject education activities and counseling services to assist the development of learners according to their needs, potentials, talents, and interests through activities that are specifically organized by educators and/or educational personnel who are capable and authorized in the school. Extracurricular is highly recommended to be followed by each students because it has a lot of benefits.

The benefits of extracurricular activities are numerous. Students can get many useful knowledges. In any selected extra-curricular activities, there are certainly basic knowledges. For example, in English Club extracurricular, students can learn the grammar properly and correctly. Another example is forming school bands, it can explore students' talent in music so their talents are not buried.

Through extracurricular, students can cultivate a sportive spirit in various competitions (eg, basketball or football) whether it is held internally in school or outside the schools. Extracurricular can also teach the students the meaning of organization, even though on a small scale. In that organization, students can learn to be leaders, administrators or even learn to make an interesting event in an extracurricular exhibition and many more positive things that students can gain by following extracurricular activities.

In order to develop students' interets and talents, they can choose anu extracurricular which suits their ability. But at the same time, don't forget to manage the time between academic activities and extracurricular activities.

Demikian kelima contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya. Semoga bermanfaat!

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