5 Contoh Hortatory Exposition beserta Strukturnya Beragam Tema

22 September 2022 11:26 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya.
Ilustrasi contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya. ( Pixabay/RachH)

Sonora.ID - Simak pembahasan tentang contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya yang akan dibahas dalam artikel ini.

Hortatory exposition adalah teks lisan atau tertulis yang bersifat persuasif berisi ajakan atau larangan untuk melakukan sesuatu, itulah pengertiannya menurut Gramedia.

Teks hortatory exposition sendiri bertujuan untuk memaksa pembaca agar setuju dengan pesan yang disampaikan. Adapun rumus atau struktur hortatory exposition dilansir dari Kompas.com yakni:

  • Thesis: Berupa opini dari penulis dan menjadi topik atau dari tulisan;
  • Arguments: Alasan-alasan yang mendukung opini penulis atau principle yang mendukung ide pokok;
  • Recommendation: Rekomendasi dari penulis untuk permasalahan yang dipaparkan.

Setelah mengerti tentang pengertian, tujuan, dan strukturnya, berikut contoh hortatory exposition.

Baca Juga: 10+ Contoh Announcement Text dan Pengertian Contoh Announcement Text

1. Hortatory Exposition tentang Ketepatan Waktu

Being on time may be a stunning social ethic and one amongst nice importance, because it creates potency in the system and implies respect for each other. However, it’s one of the numerous values that’s hard for our students to find out. Inner discipline is the highest kind behavior.

The greatest colleges attempt to instill this with a crazy atmosphere. Why, even adults arrive late to meetings, work, etc. Here, we tend to disagree that late comers ought to be kept. they will run warnings, most of that area unit enough to create them strive their best to succeed in the college on time later. If this fails, invite the parent to high school.

By closing the gates, the college is behaving cruelly, so that we tend to like to not expose our kids. Each college has responsibility to implant sensible instructional principles, however it ought to be in applicable ways in which. Sensible colleges produce competitive students.

2. Hortatory Exposition tentang Protokol Kesehatan

People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the health protocols? The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet.

In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health protocols such as wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic.

However, this phenomenon cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health protocols. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health protocols so that we can break the chain of virus spread. In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us to wear mask since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus.

Therefore, we need to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus for the good of ourselves and others. To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people closest to us so that we do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to viruses and vaccines still cannot be used, so it is important to always implement health protocols, especially when there is an urgent matter that requires us to leave the house.

3. Hortatory Exposition tentang Social Distancing

The term social distancing is familiar in our ears since it is often mentioned nowadays. Is social distancing really important? Yes, it is important for us to protect ourselves amid the pandemic.

According to CDC, social distancing is “keeping a safe space between yourself and people who are not from your household”. The government urges us to do social distancing in the midst of pandemic to inhibit or break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. Many of companies and schools are closed and people are working and studying at home. Events involving a large number of people are also prohibited. These are the ways to prevent us from the exposure of the virus.

Social distancing can help us in combating coronavirus. CDC also says that social distancing “helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected people outside the home”. This can remind us that social distancing is not a trivial thing which people can ignore.

However, we must always keep a distance whenever we go outside to do something urgent. Always wear mask and keep a distance with people. We should avoid attending any event that involve many people and most importantly, stay at home.

4. Hortatory  Exposition tentang Media

Ask people what they actually think of the media and immediately you'll get negative statements about the "silly box" or the "rubbish magazine" available. However, the media, including the radio, is not all bad. In fact, it would be fair to say that the media could also help you learn English.

Let's begin with television. Most films and soap operas which are shown on television are in English. These are, of course, subtitled. However, by listening carefully to a film, you can pick up new vocabulary, listen to a variety of accent or reinforce what you already know.

When it comes to things like international fashion, music and sport, most of the information can be found in magazines published in English, If you want to be up-to-date and improve your English at the same time, all you have to do is buy these publications.

Well, what about the radio? It's widely known that many people, including teenagers, listen to radio stations that play songs in English. This is good listening practice, as they are in contact with the language. It can also help you improve your pronunciation.

These are only a few of the ways the media can help with English language learning. The good thing is that you can have fun at the same time.

Baca Juga: 5 Contoh News Item Text dan Artinya, Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

5. Hortatory Exposition tentang Ekstrakurikuler

Extracurricular activities are non-subject education activities and counseling services to assist the development of learners according to their needs, potentials, talents, and interests through activities that are specifically organized by educators and/or educational personnel who are capable and authorized in the school. Extracurricular is highly recommended to be followed by each students because it has a lot of benefits.

The benefits of extracurricular activities are numerous. Students can get many useful knowledges. In any selected extra-curricular activities, there are certainly basic knowledges. For example, in English Club extracurricular, students can learn the grammar properly and correctly. Another example is forming school bands, it can explore students' talent in music so their talents are not buried.

Through extracurricular, students can cultivate a sportive spirit in various competitions (eg, basketball or football) whether it is held internally in school or outside the schools. Extracurricular can also teach the students the meaning of organization, even though on a small scale. In that organization, students can learn to be leaders, administrators or even learn to make an interesting event in an extracurricular exhibition and many more positive things that students can gain by following extracurricular activities.

In order to develop students' interets and talents, they can choose anu extracurricular which suits their ability. But at the same time, don't forget to manage the time between academic activities and extracurricular activities.

Demikian kelima contoh hortatory exposition beserta strukturnya. Semoga bermanfaat!

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