2 Contoh Teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Terjemahan

15 Agustus 2023 09:45 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi contoh teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris ( freepik.com)

Sonora.ID - Kamu dapat menyimak 2 contoh teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris berikut ini yang sudah lengkap dengan terjemahan.

Dalam hitungan hari ke depan, masyarakat Indonesia akan merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan yang jatuh tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus.

Perayaan ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan mengadakan acara formal yang dipandu oleh Master of Ceremony menggunakan berbagai bahasa, salah satunya Bahasa Inggris.

Melalui artikel ini, kamu dapat menemukan contoh teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam memandu acara.

Contoh teks pun sudah dilengkapi dengan arti yang memudahkan kamu dalam memahami konteks teks MC tersebut.

Berikut Sonora ID bagikan langsung 2 contoh teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.

1. Teks MC 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris I

Baca Juga: 5 Contoh Susunan Acara Malam Tirakat 17 Agustus Tingkat RT Tahun 2023

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Dear Mr. (...)
I respect Mr (...)
I also respect the audience that God is glorified,

Do not forget to friends coral midshipman and younger brother everything I hold dear.

Good night and happy prosperous for us all, by saying alhamdulillah panjatkan, let us praise the presence of Almighty God, because with the grace and guidance of her we can present at this place. 

On behalf of the Committee for the commemoration of the ANNIVERSARY of RI 78–we deliver our thank you to the attendees, who with full assurance of our invitationto attend in order to enliven the commemorations of the independence of the RI–78.

Attendees who we respect, in respect of time has shown the time event will presumably soon we started. But earlier, let me read out the agenda HUT RI ke-78, as for the arrangement of the show on this night are:

  • The opening
  • Sing Indonesia Raya (Attendees are kindly requested to stand)
    (Attendees are welcome to sit back)
  • The opening remarks the Chairman of the Committee By Mr (...)
  • Opening remarks Mr (...)
  • The announcement of the contest winners and Division prizes
  • Other (Entertainment art performances by Reef Coral midshipman Later)
  • The reading of the prayers
  • Film screenings

Thus the order of events which we will go through at night. Next let us be equally open event on the occasion of this evening by reciting the basmalah.

The second event i.e. sing Indonesia Raya, agu Attendees please stand up.


Thank you, the audience survivors sit back,

Father of the mother, and the attendees who we respect, stepped on the third eventi.e. greeting–greeting. The first reception to be delivered by the Chairman of the Committee for that dear survivors Mas Habibi to give opening remarks.


Thank you, we tell Mr (...), the next event is to welcome Mr (...). For survivors it immediately to Mr. Head.


Thank you we tell Mr Head that has delighted in giving welcome to the audience.

So welcome Mr...., hopefully we are able to carry out an appeal submitted Mr. Head in greeting.

The 6th event that surely has been awaited by all the attendees. The announcement of the winners of the prize Division is at the same time, while watching the announcement that will be delivered by the Coral Reef Districts Above the audience survivors to enjoy a dish that has been provided by the Committee. The event Division presents survivors to Coral a midshipman. 


Attendees who we respect, it was time for the event which we are awaiting, namelyentertainment events that will be shown by the younger sister of us under the guidance of the Coral Reef Districts Later. For that occasion fully we submit on event guide Sisters … … … …. Give a rousing applause for sister………….. 


Yaks says the event announcement contest winners at the same time the Division ofthe prize.

Step on the 8th event i.e. the reading of the prayers, to Cpc … … memimpun prayer for survivors.


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