12 Contoh Cerita Liburan Sekolah di Rumah: Singkat, Pendek, Menarik

2 Januari 2024 13:31 WIB
Kumpulan contoh cerita liburan sekolah di rumah saja dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris.
Kumpulan contoh cerita liburan sekolah di rumah saja dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. ( freepik.com)

Libur sekolah semester satu aku hanya di rumah saja membantu kedua orangtuaku. Aku benar-benar banyak beristirahat di rumah, karena tidak banyak aktivitas yang aku lakukan.

Sebenarnya aku ingin pergi ke kota ke tempat paman dan bibi berada. Jarak desaku dengan kota tempat tinggal paman dan bibi sekitar 120 km. Namun, karena bapak dan ibuku tidak bisa menemani pergi ke kota, maka keinginanku itu tidak terlaksana. Bapak dan ibuku tidak bisa meninggalkan pekerjaannya.

Aku tidak sedih karena tidak jadi pergi ke kota tempat paman dan bibi. Aku juga tidak sedih karena di waktu libur tidak pergi ke mana-mana. Hampir setiap hari bapak dan ibu membelikan berbagai bacaan untukku. Aku membacanya sebagai pengisi waktu libur. Selama libur, pengetahuanku bertambah karena aku banyak membaca.

Cerita Liburan Sekolah di Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh 7

During the holiday, I decided to spend some time at home. I was excited to change my usual routine of going to school and doing homework.

I spent the first few days holidays relaxing and catching up on some much-needed sleep. I also spent a lot of time with my family and it was nice because we don't always get to spend as much time together as we use to.

One of the things I enjoyed most during the holidays was being able to cook my own meals.

I love to cook and was able to try out some new recipes that I had been wanting to try. I also made some of my favorite dishes, like grilled chicken and pizza.

Another thing I enjoyed was being able to catch up on some of my favorite TV shows and movies. I was able to watch a lot of new releases that I had missed while I was busy with school.

I also spent some time playing video games and reading books, which was a nice way to relax.

Anyhow, I had a great time spending my holiday break at home. It was a much-needed break from my usual routine and it was nice to be able to spend some quality time with my family. I'm already looking forward to my next holiday at home.

Contoh 8

My relaxing vacation happened this semester. Every day for the past two weeks, I stayed at home and did the same thing every day.

The first activity I do in the morning is the morning prayer, then I had breakfast with my mom's delicious cooking.

I felt relaxed feeding cats and pet fish at home. Sometimes, Dad invites me to go cycling in the morning.

In the afternoon, I ate my mom's homemade lunch and I often fell asleep on the couch while watching the television.

Waking up from my afternoon nap, I always take a shower and help my mom prepare a menu for dinner.

As the night comes, my family and I have dinner together and then continue watching television shows or watching movie series on Netflix.

So that's what I usually do during school holidays. Even though everyday is repetitive, all the activities I do does not make me bored.

Contoh 9

Learned Baking with My Mom During the Holidays

During the school break, I decided to spend my holiday at home. I didn't go out or went on vacation, but learned baking with my mom.

Baking with my mom isn't just a fun activity, but also creates memories made as we laughed and put things in the oven.

My mom has amazing baking skills because she owns a bakery and cake shop. Besides, my mother is also good at cooking delicious food at home.

Beforehand, I haven't been interested in baking and cooking like my mom. But during this holiday, I felt like it was the right time to start learning about pastry.

During two weeks of school holidays, my mother taught me how to use baking tools. Mom also asked me to be her assistant for a while, so I saw the whole process of making cakes and bread. It was a fun and unforgettable experience.

I felt happy to be able to do an activity in the kitchen with my mom, where I was tasked with preparing all the ingredients for making cake and bread.

I learned many things from the kitchen. It starts with greasing cake pans, putting the ingredients into the mixing machine, printing cakes, and decorating cakes so they are ready to be sold to the stores.

Even though I don't travel as much, I felt happy because my school holiday was memorable. I could help my mother in the shop and learn new things about pastry.

Contoh 10

Last holiday, I decided to take a break from traveling and instead spend my holiday at home. I wanted to relax, unwind, and spend time with my family and friends.

I started the holiday by sleeping in and enjoying a leisurely breakfast at home. I then spent the day catching up on some much-needed rest and watching movies with my family.

The following day, I met up with some friends for lunch at a local café. We caught up on each other’s lives and shared stories about our recent adventures. In the afternoon, I went for a walk in my neighborhood and admired the holiday decorations that my neighbors had put up.

As the holiday continued, I took time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the upcoming one. I also spent time baking cookies and other treats to share with my loved ones.

On Christmas Day, my family and I gathered together to exchange gifts and enjoy a big holiday feast. We laughed, told stories, and enjoyed each other’s company.

As the holiday came to a close, I felt refreshed and grateful for the time I had spent at home. I had reconnected with my loved ones and had taken time to rest and reflect. I realized that sometimes the best holidays are the ones spent close to home, surrounded by the people and things that matter most.

Contoh 11

My worst holiday ever happened on the last semester break. I stayed at home for the entire two weeks. I had the same schedule every day as well.

The first thing that I did after I got up was praying. After that, I ate breakfast right away. Right after I had my breakfast, I fed and played with my cats. They all are so cute.

In the afternoon, I ate lunch and then napped on the couch until almost in the evening. Then, I had dinner and watched my favorite TV series with my parents and siblings.

Those were the activities that I did last holiday for two weeks. Nothing special happened during that holiday. I believed it was the worst semester break I had ever experienced.

Contoh 12

Choosing to spend my school vacation at home with my mother brought unexpected joy. The simple pleasures of everyday life became the highlights of our time together.

Mornings were filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of shared laughter. We embraced the day with leisurely breakfasts, sharing stories and making plans for small adventures.

Cooking together became a delightful bonding activity. The kitchen echoed with the sizzle of pans and the enticing fragrance of home-cooked meals. Each dish was a labor of love, a creation made with shared smiles.

Afternoons were for relaxation, curled up with a good book or enjoying our favorite movies. The cozy atmosphere of home became a haven, a place where time slowed down, and worries faded away.

We took short walks in the neighborhood, discovering hidden gems and creating memories along the way. These moments, simple yet profound, added a special touch to our time together.

As the school vacation came to a close, I realized that the most meaningful adventures were not always far away.

Sometimes, the best moments were found in the comfort of home, shared with the person who made every ordinary day extraordinary—my mother.

Demikianlah paparan mengenai kumpulan contoh cerita liburan sekolah di rumah dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris sebagai bahan referensi.

Baca Juga: Contoh Hikayat Si Miskin Lengkap dengan Unsur dan Nilai-Nilainya

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